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hello all, me again
my stats again..65gal, pc lighting, 60+#LR,
two clowns, gobie, one polyp, and snails, hermits, etc.
lfs has a feather duster for $14.99
anybody have one? do you like it? does it come out alot? can i make it happy?

thanks again, damsel


Yes, they are very easy to keep, even for the beginner. They are sedentary polychaete worms and are filter feeders. They don't require any light, and most of their food needs are met without any additional input from the aquarist. They feed on very small bacteria and possibly some very small bits of other plankton in the water,etc. I have 3 large ones in my 29 gallon reef and they are almost always out. They occasionally shed their "crown of feathers"(the beautiful feeding and respiratory apparatus) from time to time, but they regrow them in a few weeks. Only one out of the three of mine has done it, and only once a long while ago, so this is a rare happening. Hope this helps.......



Damsel, I am looking to find out a little more on your exp. with Jeff's exotic regarding your liverock and light purchace.
Can you email me when you get a chance.


I have one, too. It is pinkish-orange and huge and gorgeous. It has always been very hardy, and its feathers are almost always out.


tommy boy, please e-mail me first, the browser automaically sends me through my husbands e-mail and actually writing down your e-mail address then going to my account would be too much work. would be happy to answer any of your questions. looks like jeffs is a hot topic tonight as just ran into another message from someone who lives by his store.


I really appreciate this thread....

I have two Hawaiian Feather Dusters (I have had both for over seven months) in a twenty-nine gallon reef. I only bought the second Duster because it was attacted to a beautiful piece of LR (which I talked the naive sales asst. to just give me), which probably weighed six pounds.

I recently noticed that one had lost its "crown of feathers", thinking it died, I gently pinched the "tube" and concluded (I learned this technique at LFS) that it was still alive! I didn't realize that they periodically shed their antennae.

I just stir the gravel about twice a week to suspend the trapped particles...and dinner is served!

[This message has been edited by keiretsu (edited 19 February 2000).]

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