Well, this is kind of irrelevant now, but just in case the idea comes up again for you, flounder is right, two small maroons is a bad idea. According to Wilkerson's book, to have a realistic chance of having maroons pair up, you want one to be a lot larger than the other (her numbers are over 2x the size). If not you'll more than likely end up with at least one of them dead, possibly both. They really tear each other apart. The Amphiprion species are much less damaging to each other, so you can get two about the same size and the should pair off after a little bickering.
Which type of carpet anemone do you have? There are three different species that are all called 'carpet.' Giant carpet (Stichodactyla gigantea), Haddon's or saddle carpet (Stichodactyla haddoni), and Merten's carpet (Stichodactyla mertensii). That last one you're not likely to have, since they're not collected nearly as much, from what I understand. The giant carpet in the wild hosts these clownfish: Barrier Reef (A. akinynos), Two-band (A. bicinthus), Clark's (A. clarkii), Ocellaris (A. ocellaris), percula (A. percula), Pink Skunk (A. periderion), Australian (A. rubrocinctus).
The haddoni hosts these: Barrier Reef, Mauritian (A. chrysogaster), Orange-fin (A. chrysopterus), Clark's, Saddleback (A. polymnus), Sebae (A. sebae). Also, in captivity the haddoni has hosted these: Allard's (A. allardi), Ocellaris, and Percula.
So actually none of them is a host for maroon clowns. So now, if you decide to go with some fish for it, you can just go through that list and see what you like best. Since you've kept your anemone as long as you have, I'm going to guess that it's a haddoni, since they're usually much longer lived in aquaria than the giant carpets.
Also, if you do decide to pick up some clowns, I suggest you get Wilkerson's book. It's cheap, quick reading, and very informative.
PS, I'm also curious about the parameters in your tank. thanks.
[This message has been edited by Wolverine (edited 16 February 2000).]