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So I decided to start a thread about feather starfish cuz I'm interested in getting one for my reef tank.. My hope is for fellow reefers to help with input about these invertebrates.. Just basic knowledge, experiences, care info, acclimation.. Anything that will help for me to make an informed decision on weather or not I should purchase one.. Thanks in advance all input is welcomed


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staten island
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I had one but my parameters were off and I didn't know because my test kits were terrible but my experience is that they like lower light it would open at night
They enjoy flow if the flow went off it would wave it's arms around like it was flying.
Also my radiant urchin would annoy it causing arms to be shed so I've moved it to my sump it went into the rocks and I haven't seen it since .-(
I loved the way it looked.
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Yes I believe they go by that name as well.. After searching rigorously online for info, I have read many people have had success with them so long as you get them to feed.. I would hate to purchase such a beautiful animal only for it to perish away slowly.. However I feel like I would provide an awesome habitat for one..
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June marks the 4 year anniversary of my reef tank. Parameters are pretty much on point. I'm very satisfied with the results.. I use leds, with tons of flow. I have mixed crabs snails cleaner shrimp and 11 fish all thriving in harmony no aggression..


Saltwater since 1973
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..., I have read many people have had success with them so long as you get them to feed.. I would hate to purchase such a beautiful animal only for it to perish away slowly.. However I feel like I would provide an awesome habitat for one..

I don't think that you can find 'many people' that had success with them....I would classify them as expert only, near impossible. I can only think of 1 member on MR that had 1 do well for awhile, but I'm not sure how long.
What makes you think that you would be able to 'provide an awesome habitat for one'?
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I am definitely far from being an expert lol. Considering the research I have done on this topic. I understand it requires pristine water quality and heavy feeding.. Given that along with my good husbandry and my determination, I figured it would be worth a shot.. However I would reconsider this endeavor if there is over whelming facts that I would basically be housing such a beautiful creature only for it perish right before my eyes. The welfare of such a magnificent animal deft comes first in my book. I was just under the impression that it is possible to succeed in keeping them in captivity, so long as they are feed numerous times thru out the day and provided they are kept in stable and good water parameters.


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I also only know of 1 person who was able to keep a crinoid alive for any amount of time. That member had constant food for the crinoid (i mean every 15 minutes) as he had a doser feeding the tank all day/night (24/7) which had food housed in a refrigerator. it was an amazing setup though! I cant recall his name on here.

A crinoid would just die in your tank, please don't get one.

They are so hard to take care of and the only way you could do it would cause a reef tank to crash. You would need a specialized tank for them.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, NY
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I have had one for nearly a year. I dose cal, alk, and mag. 10% water changes every 1-2 months. It was one of my very first impulse buys when I started the hobby a little over a year ago. I got it from Fishtown usa and was told they were easy to keep. Only after getting home and doing research did I find out they were near impossible to keep. I guess I'm fortunate( knock on wood)


Advanced Reefer
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I have had one for nearly a year. I dose cal, alk, and mag. 10% water changes every 1-2 months. It was one of my very first impulse buys when I started the hobby a little over a year ago. I got it from Fishtown usa and was told they were easy to keep. Only after getting home and doing research did I find out they were near impossible to keep. I guess I'm fortunate( knock on wood)

What/how do u feed it?


Advanced Reefer
Queens, NY
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That's the thing....people may nit believe me but I don't feed it directly nor do I spot feed any of my softies.....maybe just feeding the fish and good flow....He does hang out in a part of the tank that has the highest that I think about I can't remember the last time I saw him....he's usually in a ball during the day so it's easy to forget about.....If he's still alive I'll post a video when I get home

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