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I have noticed some vendors lately advertising fish as "Hawaiian" that do not even have the Hawaiian Islands as part of their range. Obviously this is an advertising gimmick because Hawaiian fish are usually believed to be of superior quality and "net caught". I realize that this mistake might be made because many fish coming into the USA may pass through Honolulu at some point. Nevertheless, this is an unethical practice meant to sucker some poor joe into buying their fish. I have noted Black Tangs, lemon peel angels, heraldi angels, BLONDE Naso tangs and others being offered as "Hawaiian", although it is unlikely any of these fish came from Hawaii unless they were un-naturally introduced or came from the Waikiki Aquarium. The same deceptive advertising goes for flame angels - they are just not that common in Hawaii but 7/10 being offered for sale are "Hawaiian" flames.
While most of these deceptive origins just show the dealer's ignorance, I believe describing a fish as "Hawaiian" gives a dealer a way of unloading an inferior quality fish from an unpopular local (usually for good reason) on an unsuspecting buyer.
Buyer Beware!



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Most LFS owner's/managers just copy the description off of the invoice or availability list. If it says Hawaiian "blah blah" that's what they put on the tank. So it's probably deceptiveness on the part of the wholesaler that is passed along to customer. I'd mention it to the LFS guy and see what he says. If he finds it interesting and double checks it may prompt him to find another wholesaler. If he gets angry and defensive I'd shop somewhere else.


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I don't think for one moment that the LFS is passing off cheap fish for a better quality with the price adder.
This is more than buyer beware, this is criminal misrepresentation.
I would point out the deceit to him and if their is no change take steps to charge him.
Only when we take action against this behaviour against the managers, owners and directors will it stop.
Alternatively, the industry itself could take steps to police themselves, but they won't.


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Sorry, should have made myself more clear... I was not only refering to several LFS, but also online/mailorder places. I would never buy from such morons (unless as Rover pointed out the mistake is made in good faith)
Just wanted to point out what I think is a disturbing trend.



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The problem is all the fish you have listed in your post are collected by collecters based out of Hawaii. Their fishing territory is very wide. My Hawaiian collector has fishing stations as far out as Christmas Island, Papa New Guinea, and Easter Island. But all holding and shipping is done out of Hawaii.

Most of the Flames listed as "Hawaii" are probably coming from Christmas Island which is pretty danged close to Hawaii so I don't see an issue with this.. especially when they are being collected by Hawaiin based collectors.

- JT


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It is IMO irrelavent where the wholesaler or collector carries on business or other business issues.
I want to know where the fish is caught. Is it Hawaii, the Phillipines or Christmas Island whatever.
To suggest that a Phillipine caught fish as an example can be labeled as Hawaiian because that is where the business side is done is wrong.


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I'm not necessarily saying it is right or wrong. Luckilly my Hawaiian collector, who also collects off of Papa New Guinea and Christmas Island, is able to tell me where each fish came from. Unfortunatel, not all can do this right now. This is one of the things that MAC and AMDA is trying to correct.

My point is, don't blame the LFS/OFS. Most of the time they don't know. It is an exporter/collector issue along with wholesalers.

- JT


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Correct I just had some knucklehead in Hawaii send me an availability the other day. MOST of the fish weren't from the local waters.

You may desire your dealer to know the real husbandry and collection points of the animals they are selling but I'd say less than 20 LFS's in the entire US may be able to provide that kind of information.

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