i just started curing my live rock, and have started to notice various things coming out of the rock, like snails and what not. however, this thing creeped me out when I saw it. Someone please help me id it.
well the peanut worm crawled into my powerhead today and got chopped pretty good. he's still in one piece but I don't know if he's going to survive. should I take him out to prevent ammonia build up, or just let him stay in there even if he dies?
how can I prevent other livestock from getting sucked into the powerhead?
He's still in one piece, but there's one half of him that's really fat like in the pictures, then one part thats skinny, and he was moving really slow. I feel bad for him, but I'm glad it wasn't a vertebrate flying in there.
Is this is something commong that other reefers deal with?