My cyano finally seems to be subsiding, at least to the point where its controllable but I have two new algaes growing in my tank now. The first might be a macro, but I'm not sure. It started growing on my overflow teeth a few weeks ago and only recently have I noticed a small patch on piece of rock and on my snails' shells. It is green and looks like miniature bipennete ( symetrical with the the long part going down the middle and equal short parts - I forget the proper names - sticking out the side at an angle ). I cant get a good enough shot so I wont bother. The second algae is just a greenish string like growth. It sometimes grows in patches - mostly on my snails and the back wall which I dont scrape as I like to leave the diadema and snails something to eat - but mostly in individual strands. Can anyone ID these and tell me if they are a normal part of the algae succession, pest, etc? I dont mind the growth on the overflow teeth as it probably serves as a pre-filter, algae scrubber and I scrape most of it off when I do a water change.