W weirdedout New Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 3, 2022 #1 We noticed these white things a couple days ago. Kinda looks like a white polyp type of thing but we're not sure. Anyone know what these are? They're the very tine white things attached to the rocks.
We noticed these white things a couple days ago. Kinda looks like a white polyp type of thing but we're not sure. Anyone know what these are? They're the very tine white things attached to the rocks.
Rob&Gab Advanced Reefer Location Staten Island Rating - 100% 243 0 0 Mar 4, 2022 #2 Looks like hydriods but I could be wrong.
jcdeng Advanced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location Staten Island, Brooklyn Rating - 100% 67 0 0 Mar 4, 2022 #3 Yes those are hydriods, some fish will pick at them, can sting corals, but usually go away on its own as tank matures.
Yes those are hydriods, some fish will pick at them, can sting corals, but usually go away on its own as tank matures.