B British_eh Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location British Columbia Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jan 23, 2021 #1 This white slimy stuff has just started to grow, in the shaded part of the rock. Do you know what it is? Thx. Britisheh
This white slimy stuff has just started to grow, in the shaded part of the rock. Do you know what it is? Thx. Britisheh
E evoIX_Reefer Advanced Reefer Rating - 100% 126 0 0 Jan 24, 2021 #3 Snots - harmless unless they are close to coral and can smother them or try to take over any open space irritating them. You just take tweezers to remove.
Snots - harmless unless they are close to coral and can smother them or try to take over any open space irritating them. You just take tweezers to remove.
B British_eh Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location British Columbia Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jan 24, 2021 #4 Thx, that makes sense . I have the yellow sponges that I seem to remove biweekly, now add this one to the list Britisheh
Thx, that makes sense . I have the yellow sponges that I seem to remove biweekly, now add this one to the list Britisheh