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Advanced Reefer
South Florida
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19   0   0
Hi guys, stock should be back to normal we had 4 group buys go out in the last few days and we were filled to the brim. More items added throughout the week. Everything we will have in this season is in stock now. We can do the fish/coral buy too if there is more interest in it, so far we haven't came to close to the minimum for him to do free shipping. In the mean time send me the order you want from him, when I publish the availability list tomorrow night I will deduct those orders from the list and then whatever is left can be ordered by the rest of the GB members. If we get to the limit, I will bill you individually.


Senior Member
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26   0   0
60 Dwarf Ceriths - small effective cleaners
20 Nassarius
6 Limpets
6 Chitons (Express Mail)
25 Florida Ceriths
22 Blue Leg Hermits (Express Mail)
3 large nerites
2 five packs of mangroves
1 chaeto


Will always be a Newbie..
Jersey City
Rating - 99.4%
166   1   0
Ordered and Paid for the following

15 Blue leg Hermit Crab
10 Limpets
5 Assorted Hermits
1 Caulerpa Prolifera
1 Chaeto with Pods
5 Large Nerite Snails

Thanks.. Nelson, I will contact you....


Advanced Reefer
South Florida
Rating - 100%
19   0   0
Hi everyone here is the final availability list with prices. If you could send me your order, total it and send payment to "[email protected]" I would greatly appreciate it. Those orders I have received will be filled first. Here is the updated price and availability list:

# In Stock Ordered Shop Availability Price
501 L 1 ___________ BLACK ANGEL (Gray)(Large) $54.50
501 M 2 ___________ BLACK ANGEL (Gray)(Med) $41.00
503 L 2 ___________ BLUE ANGEL (Large) $72.00
503 M 1 ___________ BLUE ANGEL (Med.) $51.50
505 L 1 ___________ FRENCH ANGEL (Large) $79.50
505 S 1 ___________ FRENCH ANGEL (Small) $41.50
507 L 1 ___________ QUEEN ANGEL (Large) $93.00
509 M 1 ___________ ROCK BEAUTY (Med.) $18.25
509 S 1 ___________ ROCK BEAUTY (Small) $13.50
517 1 ___________ HARLEQUIN BASS $6.50
531 1 ___________ SADDLE BLENNY $7.50
532 1 ___________ HAIRY BLENNY $8.25
533 1 ___________ ALL OTHER BLENNYS $6.50
535 L 2 ___________ BANDED BUTTERFLY (Large) $11.75
539 L 3 ___________ 4-EYE BUTTERFLY Large) $9.00
539 M 1 ___________ 4-EYE BUTTERFLY (Med.) $8.25
550 L 2 ___________ COWFISH (Large) $11.50
550 M 2 ___________ COWFISH (Med.) $10.38
550 S 10 ___________ COWFISH (Small) $6.50
553 1 ___________ BI-COLOR DAMSEL $4.63
555 M 1 ___________ JEWEL DAMSEL (Med.) $12.75
555 S 2 ___________ JEWEL DAMSEL (Small) $9.00
561 S 1 ___________ SERGEANT MAJOR DAMSEL (Small) $5.50
564 S 20 ___________ YELLOWEDGE CROMIS (Small) $6.50
585 2 ___________ BLACK EDGE MORAY $26.00
587 2 ___________ GREEN FILE $8.50
591 S 1 ___________ FLOUNDER (Small) $12.00
597 2 ___________ NEON GOBY $7.38
607 L 5 ___________ ASSORTED GRUNTS (Large) $7.50
607 S 2 ___________ ASSORTED GRUNTS (Small) $3.88
613 1 ___________ BUTTER HAMLET $9.50
630 2 ___________ SPOTFIN JAWFISH $15.50
639 S 4 ___________ ALL OTHER PARROTS (Small) $3.75
641 1 ___________ BALLOON PORCUPINE $18.25
643 2 ___________ SHARPNOSE PUFFER $8.50
645 9 ___________ SPINY BOX PUFFER $8.50
647 M 1 ___________ SCORPION FISH (Med.) $13.38
647 S 4 ___________ SCORPION FISH (Small) $9.50
649 20 ___________ PYGMY SEAHORSE $12.25
651 24 ___________ SEAHORSE $27.50
653 10 ___________ PIPE FISH $8.50
667 L 1 ___________ BLUE TANG (Large) $21.50
667 M 6 ___________ BLUE TANG (Med.) $15.50
667 S 1 ___________ BLUE TANG (Small) $10.00
671 L 4 ___________ SURGEON TANG (Large) $15.00
671 M 1 ___________ SURGEON TANG (Med.) $9.25
682 S 4 ___________ SLIPDICK WRASSE (Small) $2.88
683 L 4 ___________ YELLOWHEAD WRASSE (Large) $6.38
684 L 3 ___________ CLOWN WRASSE (Large) $6.38
685 S 1 ___________ PUDDINGWIFE WRASSE (Small) $7.25
695 5 ___________ YELLOW STING RAY $29.50
703 6 ___________ PINK TIP ANEMONE $8.25
705 9 ___________ CURLIQUE ANEMONE $3.75
706 W 8 ___________ WHITE SEA MAT (Zoanthid) (per sq. in.) $0.65
707 4 ___________ ROCK ANEMONE $7.38
709 1 ___________ ARROW CRAB $6.38
711 4 ___________ DECORATOR CRAB $2.05
712 50 ___________ CORAL CRAB (Emerald) $3.75
715 L 2 ___________ HERMIT CRAB (Large) $3.50
715 M 1 ___________ HERMIT CRAB (Med.) $1.75
715 S 50 ___________ HERMIT CRAB (Small) $0.35
717 4 ___________ RED LEG HERMIT CRAB $2.40
721 1 ___________ PORCELAIN CRAB $4.50
729 2 ___________ GORGONIA, CORKY FINGER $6.50
729 E 4 ___________ ENCRUSTING GORGONIA $6.50
729 F 6 ___________ PURPLE FRILLY GORGONIA $6.50
729 P 10 ___________ PURPLE GORGONIA $6.50
731 G 3 ___________ GREEN GORGONIA $6.50
731 O 4 ___________ TAN GORGONIAS $6.50
731 W 10 ___________ WHIP GORGONIA $6.50
739 6 ___________ Red-Tipped Sea Goddess $8.25
742 1 ___________ SEA HAIR $9.00
758 4 ___________ SEA BISCUIT (Sand Sifters) $2.88
769 2 ___________ PEPPERMINT SHRIMP $4.10
789 2 ___________ BALL SPONGE $8.38
793 S 10 ___________ COMMON STARFISH (Small) $3.40
799 20 ___________ BRITTLE STARFISH $3.88
803 18 ___________ SERPENT STARFISH $3.23
803 H 5 ___________ HARLEQUIN SERPENT STARFISH $5.50
803 O 5 ___________ ORANGE SERPENT STARFISH $6.38
804 12 ___________ RED BRITTLE STARFISH $3.23
807 5 ___________ PENCIL URCHIN $2.88
809 1 ___________ PIN CUSHION URCHIN $2.88
811 20 ___________ ROCK URCHIN $2.70
811 B 18 ___________ BLACK URCHIN $2.70
829 3 ___________ Coraline Algae 2-3" piece $8.25
830 1 ___________ SEA SQUIRT (Black Velvet) $2.23
831 7 ___________ RICORDEA (Polyp) $7.38
853 1 ___________ REMORA (SHARKSUCKER) $12.75
861 M 1 ___________ SPADE (Med.) $16.00
877 2 ___________ Sea Robin $22.50
892 L 1 ___________ PRINCESS PARROT (Large) $62.00
987 3 ___________ SPIDER CRABS $2.23
991 1 ___________ XMAS TREE WORM (PER WORM) $22.25


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
404   0   0
Hey what's up guys? I'm relatively new to this site.. always read through it but finally decided to register.. is it too late to join in on this group buy? I'd definitely be interested in a small clean up crew.. =) please let me know so I can place my order asap. Thank you.


Advanced Reefer
South Florida
Rating - 100%
19   0   0
Here is what I have so far for the fish order, please contact me if I have something

Knugyenx (Paid)

1- 531 Saddle Blenny $ 7.50
1- 532 Hairy Blenny $ 8.25
1- 533 Other Blenny (What type?) $ 6.50
2- 564 Yellowedge Cromis (Small) $13.00
1- 630 Spotfin Jawfish $15.50
1- 667 Blue Tang (Small) $10.00
1- 682 Slipdick Wrasse (small) $ 2.88
2- 712 Coral Crab (emerald) $ 7.50
1- 729 Gorgonia, Corky Finger $ 6.50
1- 729E Encrusting Gorgonia $ 6.50
1- 729F Purple Frilly Gorgonia $ 6.50
1- 729P Purple Gorgonia $ 6.50
1- 731G Green Gorgonia $ 6.50
1- 731O Tan Gorgonia $ 6.50
1- 731W Whip Gorgonia $ 6.50
2- 831 Ricordea $14.76

Tunicata (Pending INvoice)

1 small blue tang : $10
1 Surgeon tang medium: $9.25
1 pink tip anemone: $8.25
3 white sea mat: $.65 each = $1.95
1 sea squirt= $2.23

Total: 31.61


1 667 S 2 BLUE TANG (Small) $10.00
1 729 P 8 PURPLE GORGONIA $6.50
1 731 G 6 GREEN GORGONIA $6.50
1 731 O 5 TAN GORGONIAS $6.50



Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
170   0   0
if you are interested in the cleaners and macro algea on his website- (reefcleeners.org) you can purchase directly and at the very end just choose the group buy option for shipping.

or if you are interested in the stock that he posted in this thread you can send him a private message with quantity and what you would like to order form the list posted.

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