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House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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The block of mysis is about $26 - not to mention shipping and paypal fees. We can make up the difference when you pick up. I know you're good for it.

Neo, got your payment -

Those who have committed but not paid ?

Eghatchny - CE and Mysis $43
NYCFireman - CE and Mysis $43

CE Only
GQ22 - $30
Astoria - $30
StingNyc - $30
Andy - $30

Let?s get on it ? if Paypal is the barrier, give me a call at 914-944-0915 so we can work it out.


House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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The most recent list is for those who have NOT paid, that's why you're not on it, since you paid ;) - however, you didn't include shipping and paypal fee - we can work that out at pick up.

Cali, yes I got both sorry, thought there was only 1 - you're all set.

Still waiting to hear from Eghatchny, NYCFireman, GQ22, StingNYC, and Andy


House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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I have your payment for you and Sinngnyc. Still missing, nycfireman, GQ22 and Eghstchny.

Joseney21, I have you down for one block of each $30+$26+6(paypal and shipping) = $62

Paypal to jamesjcj@aol.com

All, I may refund a dollar or two depeding on final shipping costs (and dependant on if they need to send more than 1 box or not). I'll keep you updated.

To date we have the following paid:
13 Cyclopeeze
7 Mysis (full blocks) Over $500 worth of food. Since this is an awesome sized order, I am also going to see if we can get more of a discount. I'll keep everyone posted



Senior Member
Brooklyn, NY
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Thanks house... This is great. Now I need to get two jobs.. I don't know if I can go to another frag swap next time, three,four group buy at once.. Ouch this hurt.. :D :D

House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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yeah, CTX, but one thing - at the end of the frag swap, go to the sites we bought from or use what you know the costs would be if you purchased them at a store (in person or online) and then put those two number next to each other (Actual paid and "if I bought it at a store" paid) and just smile :)


House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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In looking over the order, they were only able to ship me 16 cyclopeeze and 7 mysis (this had to do with the amount to fit into a box) If I were to order the original 18 and 7, it would be three boxes, which in turn, would have shot the price of shipping up per person or required me to buy another 8 blocks of cyclopeeze. I went for not adding the third box. That means I am short 2 blocks of cyclopeeze.

So, in short, I am looking for 2 volunteers who ordered 2 cyclopeeze who would be willing to take 1. This will allow everyone to get at least one block. Of course I would refund you the difference of what was paypaled.

Those of you who ordered 2 are:

Joseny, Cali-reefer, Andy and Ricordia King

Please let me know and thanks for undertstanding.



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Hey Jim. Sorry but I would not be able to give one up only because one of the blocks belongs to SteveNYC since I paid for his portion and my block is actually being split with another fellow member under the name of DongZeng (something like that). Thanks...

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