gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Senior Member
Brooklyn, NY
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This is very nice, marrone. I really want to join this group buy. I want some snails and hermits, etc.. But I haven't gotten my tank setup yet. :(

Guess I have to get in on the next time..

The idea of the Group Buy is just a great ideas..


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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It looks like Friday will be the delivery day as he was out of some snails, they didn't come on the UPS delivery and he went out to get some. They should be fine over nite for a sat pick up considerating he usally ships them 2-days and they're fine.

It must be nice to live right by the water where you can just go and get stuff.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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I just got the totals, we're getting a 15% discount on everything. The shipping is $90 because of the weight of everything alot of water.

There are 10 people in the buy so if everyone is fine with it we can split the shipping and charge each person $9. Let me know if anyone has a problem with that if not I email everyone the total for their orders and they can either PayPal me or bring cash what ever is easier.



The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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I've send out PM to everyone with their totals. Please let me know if anyone has any questions on the prices, we got a 15% discount and I split the shipping evenly among everyone($90/10=$9each). The order will be coming in on Friday and I'll be home at about 5:00pm. You can pick up your order anytime Friday or if need Sat. The items should last over night, as they usally ship them 2 days and this shippment is only over nite.

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The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Everyone give me feedback so I can let them know how it went. Floridapets were very easy to work with and they seem to have some good thing at very good prices.

Also anyone that was missing items please send my you name, address, email and phone# and they'll ship you the missing items to your home.



The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Mantis806, Danny, gregi30 and Jay212

I gave your information over to John at and he'll be contacting you to get the missing items to you this week.

Jay I've order an extra pods for you to make up for the one that you didn't take at my apartment.

Danny I'll be home about 5:30-5:45 if you want to pick up the plants that you didn't get. If that a problem I can leave them with the doorman and you can pick them up tomorrow anytime. Let me know.



Senior Member
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Hi! Michael:

keep the 3 plants put them in your fuge, because once I get the caulerpa there isn't that much room in my fuge.I have the mangroves, gracillera,shoal grass, chaeto & then the caulerpa.




The All Powerful OZ
Staff member
The Big City
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Ok that fine, thanks.


I used the plants somewhere as my Refug is full, thanks

In the future we have have the whole group order shipped directly to everyone house at no additional cost. Actually it would probably be 2 day shipping and cost less.


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