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House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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I am going to buy 10 blocks of cyclopeeze for reselling to everyone - after block cost and shipping, it will be $30 for a full block.

I know you all stated interest but wanted to see again, just how many will go and how many I'll have to keep in my freezer until a buyer comes along. Please reply.



The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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I know the cost of the block change, based on the final weight, but wasn't the last buy less per block. Was that because more where order and we got a better deal? Also some people order Mystic shrimp last time also, don't know if anyone wants any of that this time.


House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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The lowest he wanted to go was 32.50 as the site said - I was able to jockey him down to 28 or so if I buy 10 blocks and the shipping was for 20 lbs -

So,I figured about $2 each (and I'll probably loose out, but who cares it's only a couple of bucks)

So, yeah $30 is about as close as it gets - maybe 29. What did you pay last time?

Also, I am ordering 3 mysis shrimp blocks which I want one of, so depends on who else wants them - they are about 22-25 with shipping.



The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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When I looked back at the prior group buy I think they got the mysis shrimp for $20-$22 each, It didn't say what the price was for the Cyclop-eeze went for. I do remember that the final price was a little less as the final weight was less than the 1.6lbs. If anyone was in on the group buy last time know the prices can you please post it.

Jim your probably right I just thought it was less which I think had to do with the amount of the buy. Still alot less than the LFS.

Well so far we have 6 people and should get a couple more as I know a number of people where interested in it.


House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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yes Mysis is 22.50 a block not including shipping - it is possible that the group buy was larger last time and you got better prices, but I am going to order this stuff today so that I can deliver it at this weekend's frag/swap event. I also have a larger freezer in my basement and can hold them for awhile - John siad that they can stay for over a year if unopened.

Anyhow, I am going to oder today at 2:30 - I also put a heads up on RC to see if there is any other local interest - Hudson Valley etc.

Will let you know when it is to be delivered - I am having it delivered here at work (downtown) so if you're in the area, bring your cash and pick it up - I also have a freezer at work.


House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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I just ordered 10 blocks of the cyclopeeze and 2 blocks of the mysis shrimp.

The reason why some of them from last time may have seemed cheaper is because they actually charge you by weight and not by package.

For instance - a 550kg block will be different in price than the 750kg (standard) block. So there will be some cheaper blocks and some more expensive - most however should not exced a total with shipping of $30, but some may be as little as $22 - this is a clear case of "you get what you pay for".

Price is driven by cost/gram - so you will only be charged for your block x gram price + $2 shipping = total for a block.

The msysis is around $24 a block, but is 5.5 lbs - I ordered two of them and am willing to split up mine if anyone is interested -

So there will be one extra mysis if anyone wants one (please don't stick me with this - hoping someone will want one or we can break it up on Saturday)

I will have them on Saturday.


House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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Michael, I said the same thing - set up an assembly line and run - but I think the hatchery conditions sets the price - understandbly, then when they package, they price per lb.

I asked for a few smaller block for those who don't want to spend the extra 8 bucks :)

WIll arrive Wednesday in Manhattan and I will have for saturday for anyone who was on the list here and coming. The rest, will be for sale at cost as outlined above.


House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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The order was placed for tomorrow delivery - I am going to bring it home and bring with me on Saturday. Please let me know if you can make the frag swap on saturday - it will make it that much easier. If not, I will have to make arrangements from the office in downtown - if you can let me know by tomorrow, I can leave a few in the freezer at work for pick up. Please be prepared to pay cash - again, proces will vary based on block size.

So far I have the following:

Marrone - 1 cyclopeeze
House - 1 cyclopeeze, 1 mysis
Beyondnp - 1 cyclopeeze
Rebels23 - 1 cyclopeeze
Ulmo - 1 cyclopeeze
Sollby - 1 cyclopeeze, 1 Mysis
Melt - 1 cyclopeeze, 1 Mysis

That's 7 cyclopeeze and 3 mysis, I have no problem splitting one of the mysis since it's a 5.5 lb block.

As you are aware, the actual price for the cyclopeeze is dependant on the weight. To be determined at dlivery tomorrow.

Mysis is a definate $22.50 plus $2 shipping so, $24.50 for them.

Let me know your pick-up preference and thanks for joining this group buy.


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