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Hi everyone, I found a place in queens that just started, its in a hobbiests basement. He setup a system with 8-9 75Gallon tanks all full of sps, Id say 80-90% sps, he had some LPS, a few softies, some zoos ricrodia spnges etc etc as well. and a 180Gallon fuge with all kinds of macro and shrimp snails etc that you can grab a handful out of. Hes got some really nice stuff and i asked him if hed entertain having group of poepel come by, He said sure let him know when and how many. Its in Flushing Queens.

Let me know if anyone would be interested in taking a ride.


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its at a guys house, he said he wanted to keep it by word of mouth as of now so i dont want to give out his address and info unless he gives me the ok.

Want to make it this saturday or maybe better yet sunday? I know its going to be a disaster if i do it this way and ask when everyone wants to go but ill give it a shot for now, SO WHEN IS BEST FOR EVERYONE


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any feedback? tomorrow is wed so if we want to make it this weekend we should get the ball rolling. Unless you wanan go next weekend or one night during the week.

Just give me some input


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i'm in for Saturday but its ok if you guys have to go Sunday instead. I'm mostly looking for LPS and zoos which he may not have too much of.


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ccny, i saw some brains, some candycanes, blue pagoda. he does have some zoos. I was just lookin at the sps so i probably missed a bunch of stuff


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yeah i figured settign a date would be best but i thought id take a survey first and try to make the most poepel happy

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