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Does anyone else use Cyclop-eeze? My fish go crazy for it. Maybe we can get a group buy for a case of the frozen stuff?


Figure $40 +/- for shipping and that comes out to $27 per 1.6 lb block (thats 25 ounces, the bars you buy at the lfs are usaully 3 ounces) or $13.50 for half blocks.

I also emailed Jehmco to see what their cost for a case would be.


So is anyone interested?


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I just received an order of cyclops-eeze and the stuff is awesome. sun coral loves it. John at jehmco is a real nice guy and he is working on getting the product into some local stores. It is currently available at NWA if you want to pick it up locally.

I ordered 2 blocks of cyclops and two bags of mysis shrimp and john laughed at me. He said I'd be feeding my tank for two lifetimes but I wanted to make it worthwhile with regards to shipping. John was so right. I need a bigger freezer.


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I spoke with Jehmco this morning. They are real nice people. The cost for 8 blocks would be $22.25 each. Shippng would be around $12.00. So that works out to $24.00 a block. They told me that an unopened block will stay good for over a year in the freezer.

So Im down for 2 blocks.

Crakeur, I thought that cyclops and mysis served the same purpose. Or are you trying to provide a variety?


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Ok, I just noticed the mysis blocks are 5.5 lbs each. Man, Crakeur you really did stock up!

Do those mysis blocks/bags break up easily? I wouldn't want a whole block, but might try spliting one up with other people..


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Queens, NY
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I'm interested in the cyclops and mysis, but what are the dimensions for a block? I don't know if I have enough freezer space. What is frozen plankton?


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split the blocks up. bring a chisel to do it.
and baggies.

big fuggers. Two of them take up the whole damned bottom of the freezer.

I bought doubles of the mysis because I have my tank, the office tank and my dad's tank.

the reason for the mysis is that they are larger than the tiny cyclops-eeze bugs and mysis can be fed to sun corals and other polyps much easier and I know they have received a snack


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im definatly down for one block, Id also want a 30Gram can of the freeze dried if you can get a good deal on that as well.

[ September 16, 2003, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: wedfr ]


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wedfr, you don't need both. I was going to do the same thing and they talked me out of it. the frozen is far better and one block will go a long way.


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Ok, this is the order so far...
Let me know if I missed anything..

2 cyclops
1 mysis

1 cyclops
1 30 gram freeze dried cyclops (let me know if you still want this?)

1 cyclops
1 mysis

1 cyclops
1 mysis

1 cyclops
1 mysis
(do you want the plankton?)

2 cyclops

That?s 8 cyclops @ $22.25
and 4 mysis @ $24.75
Shipping has probably doubled with the mysis, so figure $3.00 each ($1.75 for wedfr), and I'll take care of any extra.

How soon does everyone want this? I was thinking of ordering it say Wednesday / Thursday next week. So we would have it by Friday. People can pick it up Friday night or over the weekend. Since the black out, I have more than the usually space in the freezer and my neighbor says I can use some of his freezer too for a short period of time.

People can pay me when they pick it up. Or if you want to paypal me, I will give you my account name.


[ September 17, 2003, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: DallasNYC ]


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crakeur: i would imagine the frozen is much better but i was planning on putting the dry stuff in an autofeeder. I figured for 12 bucks or so id give it a try and see how it worked out.

Dallas: You never got back to me on teh price of the dry stuff but if its $12 or less i still want it. if not then il pass and just get the 1 block of forzen.

Order whenever you want, i can get there pretty much whenever.

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