OK here is the scoop I will be in front of 17 w20th after 5pm on wed. I will hang out for a while, and all left overs will be held with Asianer (also in chelsea) for future pickup. Please just confirm if you will be picking up so I know how many to bring. No need if I have allready spoken w/ you.
Thanks so much for doing the group buy and great meeting you yesterday. My rusted gobies want to thank you as well, I haven't seen them since I put them into the tank until I added some of the BBS.
I just set up my first batch tonight and was wondering what kind of wait times others are having. I have the dish in a warm place (boiler room) where its at least 80 degrees. Should I be good to go by morning? Just trying to figure out when the best time to set these up would be so I can feed when I get home around 6:30 pm.
For those hatching these at room temp, 70 degrees, how long has it been.
I'll post when tomorrow if any hatch by the morning.
That's fast! Are you using tank water or making a fresh batch from salt and ro water? Also what proportion of salt to water are you using? I lost the instructions so I dont remember what was suggested.