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DaRealDvs1 said:
Holy Crap!
I forgot about this!:headache:


DOnt worry ill take your frags :biggrin:
Ill put them next to the blue zooss,lol


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As I still do not have a bussiness I think become a sponsor is little joke : )
Not sure if I ever will be a bussiness as I am just too lazy to do run a bussiness : )
Since I could not become a sponsor I donated to MR as I stated from begining of this thread
MR rocks : )


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Ok, the box went out via Fedex priority overnight so it should get there by 12 noon.
Here is tracking number 856652960248

Please let me know if all frags arrived ok or not and if you are all happy with frags.... as if you do not tell me I have no way to find out : )

Thanks everyone : )


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Oh, to help gforce and others here is number of bags you should get.

zahner - 1
Salamajam - 1
R32Brightliner - 9
Jabol - 3 (I added blue zoa frag so I will PM you for that payment)
Deanos - 2
Pseudo - 7
solbby - 1
ming - 3
Rori - 1
Deepwater - 1
Alexpescado - 6
grisha - 5
Falco - 8
arozz7 - 2
DaRealDvs1 - 2
reefman - 1
marrone - 2
gforce - 2
lazyreefer - 4
scarf_ace1981 - 2 (I will PM you on this)
fishwood - 2


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Oh, if I ever missed anyone do let me know... I do not think I miss anyone's frag this time but : ) - Last time I missed Ming's Rainbow monti..


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Hey, I just noticed that I became a Senior Member here : ) and got cool looking logo under my name : )
Can I say I am a MR reefer now?


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Cool, whenever I ship boxes out I always worried about "what if" well Fedex delivered on time so I am now hopping all frags ok.

Please do update me if you are happy with what you got if not than notify me as well.

Thanks everyone : )


Senior Member
Fort Lee, NJ
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Everyone picked their stuff, seems like every frags looks good.

It was great pleasure to meeting with you guys today, hope you enjoy your new additions.



Advanced Reefer
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These are the zoo I got from the group buy. WOW! They are awesome, :D THANKS Chris for another great group buy and thanks Jung for arranging the shipment!



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Jung, I really appriciate your help this time again.
Even I ship them best I could without your help... I do not even want to think about it : )

Thanks sobby for your frag update this early.

To others please let me know how frags that you got expecially if you are not happy with certain frag or if frag is not doing good.

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