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westbury ny
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We had a photographer come to take pics for the website.
Working with him was a great exp. and tought me to look at food in a different way.
Thought I would share them. Enjoy.









bad coffee

Inept at life.
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Looks good. Next time try brushing the steaks and salmon with a bit of clarified butter before the pics. It will help them look more juicy, like they just came off the grill. After sitting for a shoot, they can dry out pretty fast.

Also, I totally dig the coffee mug.



westbury ny
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Yea I agree. Believe it or not these 8 pics tok about 6hrs. to shoot. I suggested this to the photographer. He thought it was a good idea but wanted to get some shots both ways, in case the glare was too much. So we did these first & then forgot to do them with a glaze.
Coffee Cup is my favorite also.

Looks good. Next time try brushing the steaks and salmon with a bit of clarified butter before the pics. It will help them look more juicy, like they just came off the grill. After sitting for a shoot, they can dry out pretty fast.

Also, I totally dig the coffee mug.


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