Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah People don't understand what :tool: and :stfu: really mean!!!!!
gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah People don't understand what :tool: and :stfu: really mean!!!!!
Please keep waaaaahhh comments in the waaaaahhhh thread. There's this crazy mod out there that may get upset and remove your posts! :tongue1:
I heard he is a great guy!
HAHAHA. does this crazy mod sell anything good ever? how much do you want for that cirle hipnosis thing on your icon. ill give you 10.50
I'll give you $11 and a rare LE 1/2" toenail frag.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah People don't understand what :tool: and :stfu: really mean!!!!!
It took me 5 pages to realize this thread started in 2007. Crap, I shoulda RTFP!!!!!
any pics on the toenail frag?...what color is it and is it male or female? is it reef safe? how much to ship?
y did u buy something yesterday on her for 10$ and are u selling it today for 200$ bc i got money to spend today that i didnt yesterday...