gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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One to Ignore
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My system has totally collapsed.

last tuesday my wife came home from her study group at about 10:30 and thought she smelled smoke that seemed to be coming from my tank. She took a quick look but didn't see anything. She continued to look around, when she looked under my tank again and this time saw flames. She quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out the fire, then called 911. I was not home at the time.

Putting out the fire required her to spray the firextinguisher, essentially into my sump, as the fire was behind it. It appears that the cord to a maxijet, which was attached to a float switch for my ATO, caught fire. When the FD arrived they cut power to the room, made sure the fire was out and left it for me to figure out when I got home.

When I got home I did close to a 50 percent water change on my display tank, wich was now isolated from the sump. I went to work the next day, and had a buisness event that evening. Came home and started to run carbon agressively, my wife went out a got the carbon for me that day. On thursday I worked a 1/2 day, came home and took apart the sump, cleaned everthing real good and then got the sump back online. Everything looked real good. Friday mornging everything is looing real good. I cam home friday night and things are going downhill. Many of my SPS are showing signes of tissue necrossis. I fraged the corals, to remove the tissue necorssis and changed out the carbon. I woke up Saturday morning and all of my acropora where gone, except for a millie from Sanjay's tank. I pulled the lone millie and my few montipora's and brought them to a freinds house to hold for me.

I currently have my two Clown fish, the only other survivors along with a few zoas in a bucket with a power head and a peice of live rock. I am going to move them into a nanocube that I had laying around for the time being.

I am thinking of tearing down my 65 gallon tank, and focusing my energy on my upgrade wich is coming soon. I want to cook the rock, and it will allow me sell off my equipment to put towards new stuff for the 180.

Any opinons on cooking live rock (there is no heat involved)? I have had most of the rock for six to seven years, and for most of that time I ran an crap skimmer and no PO4 media until very recently.


Old School Reefer
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Matt, I'm so sorry to hear about your disaster. Thank god there wasn't a fire that destroyed more than your tank.

You can cook your rock by letting it dry out, in the sun for a couple of months.

Good luck with your upgrade.



One to Ignore
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because my wife acted quickly, it was a small fire. Here is a picture of the direct damage.


This was what my sump loooked like, after the fire extinguisher.


Her is a current pic of my tank.


One to Ignore
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Matt, I'm so sorry to hear about your disaster. Thank god there wasn't a fire that destroyed more than your tank.

You can cook your rock by letting it dry out, in the sun for a couple of months.

Good luck with your upgrade.


i am going to keep the rock in water with a powerhead for circulation, in a dark enviroment untill the new tank is ready for it.

The upgrade will continue, unfortunatly I am starting from frags again.


One to Ignore
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:sad2: I'm just glad to hear you and your family are ok. :hug:


My wife was so upset about using the fire extinguisher to put it out. I tried to explain to her that had she stopped to think of another way, the fire could have spread quickly and if faced with the same situtation she should take the same course of action. She still feels horrible about it.


Old School Reefer
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My wife was so upset about using the fire extinguisher to put it out. I tried to explain to her that had she stopped to think of another way, the fire could have spread quickly and if faced with the same situtation she should take the same course of action. She still feels horrible about it.

Matt, it's terrible what had to happen, but it speaks volumes about your wifes' compassion. She should feel bad for the poor animals, but truth be told, as you already mentioned, she took the absolute perfect course of action.

When you're back up and running, please let HOF know. We'd like to make a contribution of a frag or two to get you back on your feet.



Fish and Coral Killer
Rating - 97.3%
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Wow! sorry to heard that Matt. Is there a power strip close by the maxijet? Call me next time something like this happens, I have spares of everything for events like this, including a 55 pound bag of carbon. Make sure you rinse out the rock well with a hose, you want to get everything out of it before putting them back in salt water for cooking.

You know where yo can come for frags when you get the new tank up.


Senior Member
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Matt! I'm so sorry to hear about the fire. Wish I were around that day cause I would have stoped by. On the bright side your wife saved the house from burning down and everyone is alive and well. All that other stuff can be replaced. Let me know if I can lend a hand.


One to Ignore
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Wow! sorry to heard that Matt. Is there a power strip close by the maxijet? Call me next time something like this happens, I have spares of everything for events like this, including a 55 pound bag of carbon. Make sure you rinse out the rock well with a hose, you want to get everything out of it before putting them back in salt water for cooking.

You know where yo can come for frags when you get the new tank up.

I had just left your house maybe 45 minutes before I go the call.

The big problem when taking corrective action, was that I am working bare bones here, most of my spare equipment is in storage while the basement is finished. I had two buckets, some salt and ro/di water. I had to use a hose from my brewing equipment to siphon the water out.

i don't know if you have seen the rock "cooking" threads on RC, I think that is what I am gonna due. The rock goes into a rubbermaid with water and a powerhead, and it is blocked off from light for a couple of weeks. This kills off any alage, and forces bacteria to use up excess nutrients. I had wanted to do it anyway, but didn't know what to do with all my corals during the process.
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OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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Sorry to hear to hear about your loss but as was stated, thank g-d your wife was there to put it out.

I'd run some serious carbon during the cooking in case the rocks did leach any chemicals


Fish and Coral Killer
Rating - 97.3%
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I had just left your house maybe 45 minutes before I go the call.

The big problem when taking corrective action, was that I am working bare bones here, most of my spare equipment is in storage while the basement is finished. I had two buckets, some salt and ro/di water. I had to use a hose from my brewing equipment to siphon the water out.

i don't know if you have seen the rock "cooking" threads on RC, I think that is what I am gonna due. The rock goes into a rubbermaid with water and a powerhead, and it is blocked off from light for a couple of weeks. This kills off any alage, and forces bacteria to use up excess nutrients. I had wanted to do it anyway, but didn't know what to do with all my corals during the process.

Make sure all the white powdery stuff(halon?) is gone before you start the cooking, that stuff can't be good for the tank.

FWIW, you are the third person I know that had a tank fire, the first two tanks put the fire out when the seams on the tank bursted and all the water put the fire out. The end result is even worse, damaged walls, floor, and everything in the tank died.

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