- Location
- Clifton, NJ
Came back from vacation to a nice surprise.
Current shot...about three weeks after treatment..
Current shot...about three weeks after treatment..

judging by the coraline coverage, this clam looks like one of the wild harvested...I had similar issues with a 6 inch french polynesian maxima that was wild caught. Freshwater dip didn't really help in my case, but it couldn't really hurt. Mine had similar symptoms starting 2-3 days after I got it.
One main issue may be light acclimation. You may want to contact the seller, figure out what type of light it was under. If the brightness of the light in your tank is too much, this may be a sign of light shock. In this case, please put it somewhere in the tank where it's a bit less bright.
Wild caught clams are infamous for being very sensitive to changes, since the changes they dealt with in nature are very minimal.
Last a bit of my advice, check your water parameters see if anything is out of range.
Best of luck on your clam's recovery