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I just need to blow off some steam. I was responding to a thread on there about salts. I put in my input, I guess to many details for another member. Not the one who started the thread by the way. It goes from me asking him to leave me alone to him kicking my ass. Another computer tough guy writing how he is a foot taller than me and is gonna kick my butt(did not use butt) at the frag swap. It is a different frag swap than the one on here. Anyways after asking him to leave me alone and to grow up I get a PM from a MOD, saying drop this issue you started by writing on that thread. Any further comments you will be banned. Make sense to you guys??? Should I go to the Swap with a big sign with my name on it? I mean for this guy to be a foot taller he would have to be almost 7'5". Should I drive 2 hours out of my way to start some trouble?


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long island
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lol people are people so why sould we get along in harmony. I know that was a song but I can not think of the people who sang it. Any way Yeah people are like that people are that way kinda sad but what are you going to do this fourm is for having fun and learning not starting fights or this and that.


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Yea I know people are peolpe. The guy has 5 years of experience and is always on every thread telling people what they can and can't do. I have nothing against new people to the hobby by any means, but this guy goes overboard and thinks he owns the site.


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let it go take a deep breath and relax .. its not worth it to go there and have some trouble .. come to my place ill give a frag of zoos .. .. hows that ..


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paoli, pa
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eh..i just read the pms. you were the first person who mentioned anything about anything physical.
i don't know what you are trying to accomplish with this thread.
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