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cherrycorals.com farmer!
Livonia, Mi
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What kind of starfish is that? I may be interested but need to know what the critters needs are! Thanks!

It is a Fromia sp. starfish, they come in as a "pink tile star". A bit less common in the hobby than the red varieties. They need careful acclimation and an established reef aquarium to do well long term. They feed on very small bits of organic matter around the tank (algae and bacterial films on rock and glass).


cherrycorals.com farmer!
Livonia, Mi
Rating - 100%
16   0   0
If anyone is interested, we will have two brand new 48" 6 x 54wt. t5 Tek lights by Sunlight supply. Well they will be used one day for the swap! :tongue1: They will be priced with bulbs and sunlifts. Since the price will be below normal wholesale, I cannot post it online!

PM me if you would like to know the price...



cherrycorals.com farmer!
Livonia, Mi
Rating - 100%
16   0   0
Are U Bringing A Few Goblin Fire Frags
am Lookin to get my hands on one lol

If they open up tonight I will bring one frag! I just got them today!

about how much dose the acan go for thanx

We have a large variety of frags that will be $25 each. Some of the mid-high end stuff will be a bit more, then there are the crazy ones that will be $100 per frag. Lots of deals though!


Advanced Reefer
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If they open up tonight I will bring one frag! I just got them today!

We have a large variety of frags that will be $25 each. Some of the mid-high end stuff will be a bit more, then there are the crazy ones that will be $100 per frag. Lots of deals though!

ok great i see u sun thanks Brett

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