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Westbury L.i
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ok.....finally finished my sump and had it plumbed to the tank last night.....
also sold my octo recirc 150 and picked up a MSX xtreme 160.
and a eheim 1262 for my return......first i must say the eheim is awesome.....very quiet pushing a max of 900gph.
the skimmer is still adjusting to the tank but its foaming nicely.....
this time i went with the simpler route with evrything inside the sump...(no more ext. skimmer and return pump.) im happy with how it turned out so far.

i will have my panworld px50 (with pc fan mod) for sale shortly if anyones interested...pm me

few pics for enjoyment:

in this pic...i filled the sump and ran a PH from the return back to the first compartment just to help clear up the water and pull some gunk before i start the return pump.i used the top layers of my old sand so you see some yellowish water....

return pump is on and all the livestock looks normal ...still need to clean up some things in there and do some fine tuning ....

lemme know if you see something i should change....thanks
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Westbury L.i
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thanks evryone..

tank is a 50 breeder...sump is about 20g filled up to the baffles...

jim,..i tried the power break and evrythings good....my locline is near the top of the water so siphon breaks early...

daddyreefer....the 160 is very nice,solid construction,bubble plate,fat neck and body,and compact..... im still breaking it in ....the sicce pump is pulling serious air with 3 layers of mesh...and in 10" (max)water,its skimming wet...but ill let it settle down before i go any further.
theres a thread on RC if you want to research further.


Will always be a Newbie..
Jersey City
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drunktank (John) would be interested in that panworld... shoot him a pm.. by the way, nice job... too bad you wont have space for a top off reservoir....


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staten island
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nice job, if i could make suggestion with the manifold if you are not going to use the other two ball valves for a while i would suggest connecting them with a small piece of plastic and openig the valves or you will wind up with a (drip leg) all the gunk will setle in the valve and you will have a hard time opening and closing it. i plan on doing the same with my tank ,mike


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Westbury L.i
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yea ...it does what its meant for...its only feeding my phosban reactor right now......but plan to add another reactor for carbon....and the last 1 might be for a chiller or just have an extra one..

but remember to get an appropriate size pump./......im using a eheim 1262 rated for 900gph.....minus the 1 valve feeding the skimmer(only open 1/4) and about 4ft head pressure... its giving me nice flow through the sump....


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Westbury L.i
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nice job, if i could make suggestion with the manifold if you are not going to use the other two ball valves for a while i would suggest connecting them with a small piece of plastic and openig the valves or you will wind up with a (drip leg) all the gunk will setle in the valve and you will have a hard time opening and closing it. i plan on doing the same with my tank ,mike

good idea mike....ill maybe flush them periodically..


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Westbury L.i
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thank you nick....

wow...thanks melev......i looked through your site many times to figure out how i want to build the sump....i still cant get a perfect seam....but getting your approval is great.

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