Although iPods have their drawbacks I still like them and they really are ubiquitous. The guide will display on anything with a color screen including smartphones, cameras, computers, PDAs, GPS, PSP (as Deanos mentioned), Nintendo DS (w/ some hackery) and all PMPs including creative, archos, iPods and Zunes. So really just about anything.
All of the images are formatted for a 320x240 screen so if you have 2" of viewing real estate you should try it. All of the IDs are in Latin so the guide is useful no matter what language you speak.
Hi Everyone, I am very happy to announce that the Coralidea guide for iPods and Phones has been downloaded over 1000 times since it was released over two months ago. I know that is a small number as far as web traffic is concerned but it is still a milestone for a unique idea catering to small niche market. Thanks to MR for sticking this at the top of the general discussion which has no doubt driven some traffic to this valuable resources for reefers. Thanks to my friends here on MR who have helped me along the way. :thrash:
I just went to this site to see if the coral database had been updated and what to my surprise to appear...................................fishidea!!!!!