I stumbled on this gem that Reef Builders had published a while back.
I had never realized that the Berlin method predated the fall of the wall. Which meant that these aquarists were able to procure live coral in a place which was an enclave surrounded by people who saw them as enemies...
Yet the methods they invented are what we still use today. You can see a pretty impressive skimmer there! Also nice to see Dietrich Stuber. Always happy to look at the colony of A. formosa I have which (like all others in circulation these days) can be traced back to his tank!
I had never realized that the Berlin method predated the fall of the wall. Which meant that these aquarists were able to procure live coral in a place which was an enclave surrounded by people who saw them as enemies...
Yet the methods they invented are what we still use today. You can see a pretty impressive skimmer there! Also nice to see Dietrich Stuber. Always happy to look at the colony of A. formosa I have which (like all others in circulation these days) can be traced back to his tank!
Time Capsule of German Mini Reef Aquariums from 1985 | Reef Builders | The Reef and Saltwater Aquarium Blog
The reef aquarium hobby has come a long way since the early days of reef keeping but it's hard to know where the 'modern' reef really laid down its roots. One great place to start would be Germany in…