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Queens, NY
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Hi all,
I'm just getting back into corals and these LPS's seem so popular now and days. (I'm just starting up my SPS for my setup, but some of these LPS's are looking pretty good!)
So looking around, I see frogspawn is basically the same, green with purple tips, but then I see this huge assortment of torches, with different strains and $$$ price tags. With the hammers, I see a smaller assortment with more reasonable prices, and maybe just one or 2 new frogspawns.

So what's happening out there with all these new LPS's? are they really all that different?
So if I wanted to get a few LPS, what considerations do I need? I vaguely remember torches need a lot off room, because they sweep around 6" away? I don't know anything about hammers, except there are branching, (should be easier) vs walls (to be avoided?). Lastly, I've kept frogspawn in the past, was that because they were the most compact of them all? I see some nice frogspawns I don't mind picking up.

As for compatibility, I know the sweepers dictate their territories, are all these LPS safe with each other? could I pop one of these gold torches immediately adjacent to a frogspawn or hammer?
Thanks in advance.
Post pics of your best/favorite torch, hammer or frogspawn please, so that I can look them up.


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San Diego
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Torches need to be by themselves for the most part IMO. I know people mix them but I've definitely had torches sting other torches so I don't mix them anymore. Hammers and frogspawn can be mixed together though. You can tell if a coral is stinging another by seeing if its tentacle is stuck to the other coral. If it sticks, it's stinging.
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