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Hi, all. It has been quite a while since my last post, and I apologize. Tank is running well and everyone is mostly happy.

Last night I noticed my yellow tang had a pretty bad scratch on it. Today it looks terrible. I don't have a quarantine tank (I can turn a container into one if necessary), but first wanted to get thoughts on what this might be.

Fish is eating as normal and swimming as normal. Color on the under belly is a bit whiter than normal is some splotchy sections, and the side is as you see it.


**I couldn't upload a photo. Here it is as a public Flickr photo - https://www.flickr.com/photos/97191234@ ... datetaken/


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In the FWIW department; I stopped into local trusted reef supply shop this afternoon.

They confirmed suspicions it is not a parasite, but most likely the yellow got into it with a tank-mate or scratched something terribly hard in the tank. I'm edging on a spiny urchin. I've got 2 and they are way to big for my 120. The fish also has a much smaller, yet fading red line on the other side too. They suggested Selcon mixed into the next few dinners. I gave a bit extra too. 1 Brine shrimp, 1 Mysis shrimp and 1 generic "marine cuisine" they all love. Gave a bit of an extra dose and not a drop was left 3.5 minutes into a 5 minute feed cycle on the Apex. The injured yellow ate like its usual champ. As I type it is picking at rocks looking for leftovers. Good sign. I know hopefulness is not an answer, but right now that's where I'm at.


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You could also mix some sprirulina flakes soaked in the selcon or nori soaked in selcon. I havent used selcon in years but always did think it had its value. The wound on the tang does look pretty bad.

Good sign he is eating though. Glad to see your still keeping the reef going!


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We're nearly out of the woods. The yellow is eating well, healing and is back to coming out of hiding more often than not.

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