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Hi folks - been a while... I hope all is well with all y'all and your tanks are thriving.

I had been neglecting benjieland for quite sometime - and that all ended a few weeks ago when I made a serious plunge.

A while ago, when riding my motorcycle with a group the topic of fishtanks came up. In the end I befriended a guy who told me about another guy who has a shop by the "airport" that does "fishtank stuff" and I should go see him. One afternoon on my way home from a meeting near the airport, I thought about that encounter and looked up the email.

Turns out he was talking about RapidLED here in SF. Super good guys - made me a killer cash deal on an Apex system, which I have up and running online. I have not yet had enough time to dedicate to sitting down and program it within capacity, but as soon as I get some float valves and figure out how to mount them I promise you I will. I will mention that it was a real treat to have this functionality last weekend. I was traveling in Chicago and my normal waterer called and told me he was well out of town enroute to his destination and had forgot to fill my sump. Normally; catastrophe. Not this time - logged in, flipped two switches - skimmer off, return off. Done and I was home in 65 hours.

Last night I tried to plug in my lights to the Apex and they won't work (wrong kind of ballasts, I understand now). I can do something or another DYI to make it work, but I stopped back in to talk to the guys about it. Needless to say I want to buy an LED system from them, which will end up being a cash-n-carry-or-scratch-n-dent deal.

Since I have been removed from the community for quite sometime, I'm curious where the best place to sell my existing gear would be? I've got a handful of 250W ballasts, Hamilton fixtures, a couple of unused 175W ballasts new Phoenix bulbs and a whole T12 set up that I'd love to see up for sale.



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Selling forums that work best IME are reef2reef.com and reefcentral.com I am more a fan of the r2r site myself, as the way its run is more my style. Anyhow there is always ebay and craigslist as well.

Why do you not use an ATO system? There are lots of cheap ones that do the job rather well. I use the tunze osmolator ATO, its pretty fail safe and provides a more consistent SG. I run mine through a kalkreactor since my tank is mainly softies this provides all my ca/alk needs. Alls I ever have to do is regular water changes and refill the Kalk, GFO, and carbon occasionally.

Are you gonna get the guys from RapidLED to do a LED setup for you?

I switched to LEDs awhile ago and couldn't be happier.

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