Even though it's a great hobby,
there are always some things that get to you or really annoy you.
List all of your aquarium keeping pet peeves (or stories about things that annoy you) here.
I know I have three.
First, I hate it when you wake up and see a fish missing and later find it in the deepest corner of your sump. That happened to me this morning when somehow a fish escaped from a holding tank and somehow ended up in my main tanks' sump. I had to take it all apart, catch the fish, and put it back together.
Second, when people try to help you with your tank and screw up. Like Really? I know I told you 10 million times not to touch ANY of my tanks without me!
A family member of mine wanted to feed my fish for me (before I got up), took my brand new jar of flake, and DROPS IT INTO MY TANK (I hope it was by accident)!
Third, leaving your tank to a friend for a while when you're on vacation. Last year, I was in Charleston ( a wonderful town ) and had to leave it with the only friend I trust being in my house without me. He knew NOTHING about fish. I pre-measured everything (food, supplements, etc.) and he did a good job (with a couple minor problems). It wasn't his fault, but the lights' timer broke so it was on full wattage, day and night, for like a week. It looked like a jungle in there, everything covered in algae!
there are always some things that get to you or really annoy you.
List all of your aquarium keeping pet peeves (or stories about things that annoy you) here.
I know I have three.
First, I hate it when you wake up and see a fish missing and later find it in the deepest corner of your sump. That happened to me this morning when somehow a fish escaped from a holding tank and somehow ended up in my main tanks' sump. I had to take it all apart, catch the fish, and put it back together.
Second, when people try to help you with your tank and screw up. Like Really? I know I told you 10 million times not to touch ANY of my tanks without me!
A family member of mine wanted to feed my fish for me (before I got up), took my brand new jar of flake, and DROPS IT INTO MY TANK (I hope it was by accident)!
Third, leaving your tank to a friend for a while when you're on vacation. Last year, I was in Charleston ( a wonderful town ) and had to leave it with the only friend I trust being in my house without me. He knew NOTHING about fish. I pre-measured everything (food, supplements, etc.) and he did a good job (with a couple minor problems). It wasn't his fault, but the lights' timer broke so it was on full wattage, day and night, for like a week. It looked like a jungle in there, everything covered in algae!