First off I cannot believe that I just found this site. But hey I finally did right. I have quick question about lighting for montipora corals. I have a 40g breeder 36"X18"X16" will be BB with RDSB in the sump/fuge. I was thinking T5HO would be a good lighting setup for this tank. This will be a species tank all Montipora. I have researched and all I can find it that the need moderate to high light, and evrything that I read about T5HO has them up there with MH(not as good but a close second as far flourecent lighting goes). Will a 4X39w T5HO with IC SLR reflectors run on a regular T5 ballast work? If I have to go MH I will have to do some serious heat removal as it is hotter then blazes in deep South Texas. I was thinking about this lam combo 1 GE daylight,1 aquablue, and 2 blue+.
One other question and I will stop I promise lol I was thinking of putting in a couple Seio 620 for flow along with my return from the sump(about 300gph or so) for about 38X turnover in the display. As far as skimming I am looking at a Pacific Coast RPS-1000 recirculating skimmer Euro-Reef knock off but I have heard good things about it. When every thing begins to grow I will need to look into dripping KW or using an autodoser to keep up with the demand.
Thanks for your time
One other question and I will stop I promise lol I was thinking of putting in a couple Seio 620 for flow along with my return from the sump(about 300gph or so) for about 38X turnover in the display. As far as skimming I am looking at a Pacific Coast RPS-1000 recirculating skimmer Euro-Reef knock off but I have heard good things about it. When every thing begins to grow I will need to look into dripping KW or using an autodoser to keep up with the demand.
Thanks for your time