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I purchased this badboy at the LFS yesterday. My fish guy at the LFS is extremely knowledgeable: he could find no scientific name or reference of any kind to this fish anywhere on the web. Neither could I. He said the fish came in an order from Bali. It came with several extremely large and hardy Tiger Jawfish (6"). I have emailed pictures of him to a jawfish expert to see what he has to say.

Anyway, he's doing fine in my tank right now. I placed my troublesome algae blenny in my refugium indefinetely. I will probably reintroduce him after the jawfish has dug several tunnels. But I will be very cautious in doing that.

Check out the pics.

NOTE - the pics that show more green are w/flash. The redder pics are w/o flash.


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  • Jaw_3.jpg
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  • Jaw_5.jpg
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Keep your tank covered well. These guys are jumpers and if there is a gap, he will find it. I had a beautiful, bright purple one that jumped to his demise. Good luck with him, they are very interesting fish, the way they move around.


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I'm actually using a type of mesh fishing net to cover all open spaces. Gives coverage while allowing gas exchange.


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With the name "Red Green" I really expected it to be wearing a flannel shirt and hunting cap. 8)



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How about "Cheney's Jawfish"?

He's doing well in the tank right now. He commenced jawfish-type activities almost immediately and has been digging tunnels and such for the last few days. Feeding well too.


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Sweet 8)

Let us know how he does in the long run and if you ever figure out the species.

Watch this turn out to be the evil predatory jawfish that grows to 2 feet long and swallos fish three times its own size. :lol: :twisted:


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From a Jawfish expert I contacted:


I know what jawfish you have and it is indeed an undescribed species... The color pattern in this species can vary from very dark to strongly blotched and at some localities the upper jaw is relatively long in both sexes and at other localities short or of intermediate length in both sexes. Please let me know if you observe any pronounced color changes in your fish, either rapid or over an extended period of time.

He went on to give me some nice detailed info, but says he is developing a manuscript for a jawfish book, so I'll avoid publishing his words.

Anyway, I'm excited. I mean...I would have been slightly more excited if he said "holy crap, I've never see THAT jawfish before!!!" But I'll go with "undescribed" any day of the week.

I'm actually thinking about setting up an Aquapod 24-gallon nano-reef just for him. Then I create the perfect jawfish environment.

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