I have been having an issue getting my reactor dialed in properly. About 2 weeks or so ago I had 450CA and 16dKH. So I reduced the CO2 going to the reactor and it dropped my CA to 350 and 16 dKH. So I dropped the CO2 again and today the CA is 380 and 16.8dKH. I started adding kalkwasser to my RO/DI to get my CA up and the theory was that raise the CA to the level I want with Kalk and the reactor would maintain. However after dosing it for 6 gallons of top off over a week or so, my CA dropped and dKH raised. The exact opposite of what I wanted to happen. So now my BPM is about 15 and not sure if I can dial it down a whole lot more. Any more suggestions to get my dKH down some?