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It has been a while since I have asked a question here. Hopefully someone can share thier thoughts. As stated in the topic, my Red Sea Star has decided to start shedding some of his legs. My tank is very stable (temp 80.1 degrees, nitrate 0, salinity 1.23, etc), and I have no predators in the tank. The only inhabitants are one Seabae Clown and some hermit crabs.

Has anyone experirnced this, and if so, what happened. I am hoping the legs will grow back. :lol:

Thanks !


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You didn't state how long you've had this "Red Sea Star," but the "shedding of legs" is usually a result of incorrect acclimation. Sea stars have a very sensitive hydro-vascular system and even minor changes in salinity can result in dismemberment and death. I suspect that's what's happening in your case.

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I recently removed a larger red leg (white white and black spot all over him)
hermit from my 125g reef for messing with my sand sifting star. Early off he was fine but after a few weeks each time the star would surface the hermit would leave his little cave and sprint over for a snack. You didn't mention if the legs that were missing were still in the tank or if they had dissapeared. Just in case they had dissapeared keep an eye on those hermits.

The acclimation sounds much more likely, but if the star has been a resident for a while (how long has he been in there?) keep your eyes open.



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I have one that has lost several legs as well. They started to grow back then all of a sudden the body on the star has turned white?? Not sure what is going on. I feed him all the time


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Sea stars can also get a bacterial infection that causes necrosis. Also as Greg pointed out they are sensitive to things like PH, Salinity, High Nitrates and need to be acclimated slowly.


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He has been in the tank for over two months. I am wondering if is possible if the clowfish may have been"nipping". I only say this due to the fact that I was away for a week, and the tank was only given two feeding in seven days. The wife is scared of the tank I guess :?
Since I have been back, no other digits have gone missing. As well, there are bits of legs sitting on the sandbed.



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It can take a week for a sea star to disintegrate after suffering a salinity "shock," so this isn't unusual. What is the salinity of your aquarium? What was the salinity of the tank that the sea star came from? How long and what method did you use to acclimate it to your aquarium?



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I have had mine for over a year and he has had a white body for 2 months even though his legs are growing back

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