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Sorry, I did not mean to start an argument here. I just want the cyanobacter gone. I have bought some Phosban and am using it, hopefully this will stop it spreading. I have tried to pull out as much as I could. Thankyou for your help.


Advanced Reefer
Upstate NY
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I apologize if I got this thread off track. Your casual comments about cyanide use and breaking corals off the reef took me by surprise and I just wanted to make the point that there are much better ways of collecting reef fish. You might want to try doing a search on the net and reading more about the various alternate collection methods.

As to your cyano question - IME it's generally associated with higher nutrient levels and/or poor circulation. If you increase the flow in your system and improve nutrient removal/control (ie. better skimming, activated carbon use, use of a purified water source, water changes, etc.) it should disappear in time. Syphoning any problem areas you can in the meanwhile will help speed the process.


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How many gallons is your tank? I've been told a general rule to go by is between 10-15 (or even 15-20) times the size of your tank per hour. Personally, I'm aiming for a little higher with the tank I'm building now, but it's just preference. A good flow should help reduce the cyano, along with regular water changes.

Good Luck!


Advanced Reefer
Upstate NY
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SingaporeReefer":3os3a49u said:
How much flow should I be having in my tank? At the moment I have an Aquaclear 201 on my filter, will this be enough?

If you're putting two tangs in the tank I'd assume it's large and will need more (and larger) powerheads for adequate circulation. What are the dimensions of the tank?


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SingaporeReefer":338snh42 said:
I did not know that cyanide was so harmful to the fish. My friend just used a little bit and said that it just makes the fish sleepy. The fish seem to be quite healthy in the tank, hopefully they survive. When we break off a coral, we just put it back where it was. My friend told me they just grow back after a while.

:lol: Come on man...you aren't for real are you? :lol:

Just in case you are, the odds of your fish reaching a ripe old are are much lower now. Your friend put poison in their gills and the extent of the damage to their resperatory system and internal organs could take a long time to show itself. They might just get an infection down the road and die because all the poison weakened their system.

Some corals can grow back, but it depends what kind, how it was broken, how it was put back, etc. Currents might knock it loose and put it upside down at the bottom and it dies.

Or you could just get some long lines and troll around the reef to catch fish. :lol:
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I think my tank is about 20 gallons. I'm not sure how much gallons the powerhead can pump. Anyone know? I will not be catching fish with cyanide anymore, I did not realise how dangerous it was.


Experienced Reefer
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Siphon out as much red cyano as possible with your waterchanges.Do your water changes more frequently. Your more than likely over feeding. With tangs you can just give em dryed seewead everyday and a few pellets every oher day or so.Avoid frozen foods for awhile. Get a good skimmer. A refugium will also help. I would really like to see a pic of your tank and any diving pics would be cool.

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