gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
Are you going to PA anyway and just wanted to stop in? I've heard that Fish Safari in Virginia Beach is great. Knowledgable staff, big selection of corals, big propegation system, etc.da colts":gs1st9t6 said:i am taking a few days off and i am thinking about going to that pet place in pa, is it worth the 4 hour trip to go there? i hear it is gigantic, and was just wondering if it is worth seeing. thanks in advance.
Ben":2ys2bliy said:I go there for some stuff once in a while. The place is huge and has lots of stock but doesnt carry alot of the top brands, like precision marine, DT's, cyclopeeze, salifert, ect. This is beyond me it makes no sense. In any case in the years I have been shopping there their live stock has always been way underpar, ofter fish were found with ick and quite often were cyanide caught.
Recently they updated their holding tanks to new acrylic tanks and a large acrylic coral tank. They have nice eductors on the coral tank but dont sell them...
Their corals/fish are pretty much priced at the LFS style pricing and dont usually have any stunning/rare corals. They usually have some TR clowns and some large angels, the usual stock.
For general supplies like addatives, hosing, heaters, ect their pricing is better then normal and close to most online venders. I was their last week and watched a little girl and her mother drop a large piece of filter floss into a tank with a majestic angel, then the angel started eating the floss.