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If I'm not mistaken, Kent's "dentification block" what Kent sells as a nitrate reduction media. There's nothing special about these type of devices; they work under the same principle of DSBs - creation of anoxic zones for dentrification to occur. To use these nitrate sponges, you need to have an area of extremely low flow. The problem is with such low flow around these blocks, they don't process much of the water's volume. IMO, I find all nitrate reduction media to be pretty inefficient. I'd rather use a DSB (in a refugium or in the main tank).


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the denitrification block is part of there bio rocker set up. it can also be purchased seperately. it is a slab i believe 9x9x4 inches it almost resembles pourous concrete. i have dsb already nitrates have been at 4 ppm for a while my tank is just recovering from a power outage crash.... thanks for the feedback.


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Ah, I know what you're referring to (similiar product to Cellpore). It should be noted these types of products don't actually denitrify, but host denitrifying bacteria to do this process. It is still my opinion that live rock and DSB work just well if not better.


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Actually it is CellPore. Kent Marine bought out CellPore. I don't care for the stuff. I thought it was a bad move on Kent Marine's part to buy them out and put their name on it when Kent has so many great products.
If you are actually refering to Kent's Nitrate Sponge (not really a sponge, but a house for denitrifying bacteria. I wish they would remove the word "Sponge" from the label and replace it with the word "Media"), then it must cultivate denitrifying bacteria by having slow moving water flow through it. It is effective if you have a lightly stocked tank, and do not overfeed. Otherwise denitration reactors (with the coiled up tubing and bio balls in the center), work under the same stipulations. The best denitration is with refugiums, deep sand beds, plennums, and good ol' water changes.

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