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i was reading this

http://www.cnn.com/2004/WEATHER/03/30/c ... index.html

and then thought about the new york power blackout last year and i recalled hearing someone talking about a battery powered powerhead. does anyone know where i could get such a device or perhaps build one?

cant use a generator in a small apartment and it beats stirring the tank with a ledil if the power goes out.


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I don't know about battery powered power heads, However battery powered air pumps are pretty common, and most LFS should carry them.
I have as an emergency set up one of these (with batteries removed of course) with a 1" PVC pipe and an air stone. The PVC pipe acts as a riser tube with the air stone at the bottom of the pipe. This causes water to flow from the bottom of the tank to the top and makes for pretty good circulation. Several of these in larger tanks could mean the difference between survival or tank crash in the case of a power outage.

BTW I used this during the "NY" power outage and had zero loses after more then 14 hours of no power.



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This is what I mean.........Bilge pump,the kind that is made to go through a transom of a boat......400 gph RULE (thats the brand name rule) they look just like power heads same size even.

Also you needed away of keeping it powered up as you will only get a day out of a 650 amp deep cycle.....I have 4 of them for my boat and a neat little solar panel that keeps the top off with a little surge charging device....

Believe me when I say the power outagages will be common,,,Im' a Boilermaker------the ones who fix the power plants....and not many of them out there are servicing them the way they need to.....on top of grid problems black outs will be back so prepare wisely.


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Actually there are some inexpensive air pumps ($13) that run on batteries ONLY WHEN the current fails (you plug them in to sense that).


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If your apt has a window I would consider purchasing one of those small honda generators - they make very little noise and with a little ventilation you would be better off than any of the battery powered options.

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