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I am on a serious budget right now and am considering a Damsel Tank. Any suggestions? Its a 50 gallon breeder,30 pounds of liverock,power filter,normal flourescents. Got any ideas? I scratched the Trigger idea because I plan on having some shrmp,stars,and crabs in it. I have to replace my lights on my 100 gallon so that killed some plans I had for the 50.


Pick ones that dont change color so much, I had a nice yellow pair, but they started spawning, and turned a drab green color.

I like the blue ones myself, there's a few variations.


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hey bangbang,

stick with the damsels that resemble YT or Blue devel's

any of the 3-stripe or Domino types may get too big/aggressive for
what your looking for.


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I got rid of my 3 stripe, that sucker was mean. The cheapest fish in the tank and he killed some nice $25-40 fish. Caught him in the act too.


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Despite reports of general feistiness, my yellow-tailed blue damsel is pretty mild-mannered. I think he thinks he's a clownfish, as he hangs out mostly with my two Ocellaris clowns...


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Stick with the Chrysiptera or chromis damsels. There are some very beautiful representatives of these genuses that would live very happily in a tank that size. Also, take your time and look for some of the rarer ones. There are more options out there than you might think.
Also, I have to say that chromis are a great fish. Bang for the buck, they add more to a tank than many other more expensive and "exotic" fishes. I have a 150 with some pretty cool fishes, an emperor angel among them, but the chromis damsels are among my favorite.



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JimM":21vbk2fe said:
Stick with the Chrysiptera or chromis damsels. There are some very beautiful representatives of these genuses that would live very happily in a tank that size. Also, take your time and look for some of the rarer ones. There are more options out there than you might think.
Also, I have to say that chromis are a great fish. Bang for the buck, they add more to a tank than many other more expensive and "exotic" fishes. I have a 150 with some pretty cool fishes, an emperor angel among them, but the chromis damsels are among my favorite.


I am thnking 6 Chrisiptera will be cool. I will add them all at the same time.


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The Chrysiptera are very hardy too. I cycled my first tank (didn't know about the live rock method then) with a pair of Yellow-Tailed Blue damsels. They spawned during the peak of the Nitrite cycle! They laid eggs (and the fry hatched out) every few weeks for a year, until the female died. I still have the male, six years later.


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I had a yellow tailed damsel and he also though he was a clown fish. He was always hanging with my false percs. He was pretty mild mannered too. I have read that the yellow tailed are one of the less agressive damsels. You might kick yourself when you have more money though. If you put the damsels in now, forget about it. They will not let any thing else in the tank. I would just start out with one or two fish and add more over time. This is the best way any way. Adding too many fish in a short period of time can be dangerous.



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Well.....I found a normal flourescent in my garage that works. I found my old Aquaclear Powerfilter left over from my 29 gallon. I thought my wife had tossed it out. I need to add a few grains more salt to the tank and then I will be shopping for Damsels. This tank has been set up and cycled for at least 6 months now without anything but liverock. I hope I can find some Yellow Fins out there.

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