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[edit]I'm adding some of the first pics to this thread to get everything in one thread[/edit]

Here are the eggs before they hatched:


Here is a closeup of the larvae after they hatched on day 1:


Far off pic of the larvae on day 1:


Day 6 Update:

Well everything is going well so far! Started them on baby brine shrimp yesterday.

Couple more days before metamorphisis.

Here's a pic -

Here's a clip - http://padens.homestead.com/files/ocell ... _day_6.wmv

FWIW, Nathan


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Day 9 update. Everything is still going great!

Some are starting to morph! Check out the headstripe!


FWIW, Nathan


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Did you post a thread describing how you got the eggs up to day 11?? That is just soooo cool!


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Day 12 has come and gone and everything is still going well. I just hatched out another 500 in a separate tank last night.

I did lose a couple of the 12 day old fry last night. Not exactly sure why. I have a couple adult brine shrimp in there with them as my canaries in a coal mine for water quality detection as they are supposed to be a good indicator and will suffer from bad water quality before the clown babies and the adult brine shrimp seem fine.

I'm not going to worry about 2 fry but hope that doesn't keep up. I'm still having problems getting them to eat all the brine shrimp between feedings but am hesitant to completely stop feeding until they eat it all either so I'm just adding smaller amounts a couple times a day. That will give them a size variety anyway.

Oh well, no pics today but thought I would give an update.



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tell us how you did it! i would love to get this to happen with my clowns, they live together for about 1.5 years now but, i guess the music isn't what they like.


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Day 16! :D


The M&M man they are hanging out on is about 4" tall. It's ears are about 1/2" long.

Everything is going well but it is a struggle getting them to switch to cyclopeeze from baby brine shrimp.

Hopefully they will be weaned off bbs in the next few days.

FWIW, Nathan


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I would say so far I'm at over 90%. Lost a few the first couple days and then only a couple since then. Right now is a very scary time though as I am trying to wean them off of bbs to cyclopeeze.

I can't remember what strain of rotifers. I got them from www.instant-algae.com when I bought my algae paste.

FWIW, Nathan


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That's amazing,, I bet ORA couldn't match that survival rate. Best I did with my premnas was about 30% but I never used rotifers.


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You've inspired me to give it a try. My clowns laid eggs three days ago. I did some reading on what it takes. It seems like a lot of work, but after seeing your pics and clips I think I'll try.
Do you know any links that might help me out?


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Way to go Nathan! I too am inspired.

How much time would you say you put in each day caring for the fry? I'm sure it was more when you were doing rotifers, but can you average it?



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Thanks, I think you guys will find it rewarding.

Actually I think rotifers are WAY easier than brine shrimp. I'm using the instant algae paste instead of growing my own phyto.

I would say I spend 30 minutes per day actually working on stuff and another 30 minutes per day just observing them.

I really think Joyce Wilkerson's book is where everyone should start. There are also some FAQ's in the clownfish & anemone forum on reefcentral that give some basics.

FWIW, Nathan

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