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Staten Island
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Im seeing that sps will need a tank dedicated to their special requirements, I can see that adding one sps will be a huge problem if my main goal is to have 50 % softies , 20% zoids (do they need special requirments too?) and the remaining 30 % one or two anemone's. my livestock will have 1 pair of clowns ( I have been reading that 2 pairs will eventually cause a big problem down the road) , 1 goby, 3 chromis, 1 triger and i'm not sure what other addition's for a clean up crew. I hope this helps. I want to keep this set up as a permanet and then buy a much bigger tank when I move out.
I was thinking should I order my liverock so that their all the same type ?and can you carve it, drill it? does it take a good 2 months before adding fish or coral?
and the final qustion is this test kit good ?http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem.asp?idproduct=AP3313


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Brooklyn / CNY
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I have pics of my external Eheim



OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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Lunner, the less 90 degree elbows the better. Ideally you would want the bulkhead to feed straight into the pump. Feeding the bulkhead directly into the double union ballvalve then the pump would be the jam.

For internal applications I put four balls of silicone as "feet" on the pump. The silicone takes any vibration the pump makes and causes it to be silent. I also find this pump to add very little heat to the water, part of what makes it such a good pump. For external applications a quality mouse pad goes a long way.

Check valves also rob a bit of the punch of any pump. Rather than a check valve I use "syphon breaks" it does the same thing but with less restriction, less parts and less ca$h.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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I'm sorry Awibrady for causeing you to be in the middle:(

Frank, you have done no such thing. Nor do you have anything to appologize for.:hug: I had already told you that there are many ways of doing things, what may work for one may not work another. So you are going to get many different opinions. I suggest that you take a look at the tanks those you are taking advice from, and see if their tank meets what you are looking for. I don't know about you, but me, I'm a visual person. I hate directions descriptions, I'm very much hands on :wink1:.
And I see that we are still talking about you intend to keep the 45 going. And just doing the next tank as well. Be careful you may end up like me, 3 tanks running.:biglaugh: And if I had a larger place, I'd probably have more. You can still pm, or what ever you want you are not troubling me.

This is what I was referring to Fred, Frank intends to keep the 45 going, even after he upgrades to the larger tank. Which is why I told him that the 1260 as a return pump for a 45 g tank is sufficient. That remark you made regarding your amazement at the recommendation of the 1260 over the 1262 is what I took exception to. Frank and I had not discussed lighting or skimmers.


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Staten Island
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you all are very helpful. The store can drill the tank for 25 dollars without plumbing should I put 1 hole or two or just build the overflow. do you guys also find any confictions with the live stock I want its not too overstocked right? I kind of what to try an experiment to keep the anemone's very happy and not cause them to move much, the plan would be to drill out the live rock to have tubing no more then half inch; snake it then connect it to a power head and fine tune it untill the anemone's like the flow rate also where it comes out to carve into the live rock a sort of pot hole shape so that it keeps their foot pad happy, what do you guys think about this? have any of you tried this?


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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I don't see a problem with the live stock choice, except that I don't know what tiger you are getting so for that one I can't say. Which anemone are you planning on. I had 2 flower rock anemones that I gave away, and a carpet anemone which I just trade out. The 1st. stayed put almost immediately, the latter moved around in my old system. But once the switch took place, where I placed it is where it stayed until I took it out of the tank. My clown never hosted any of them. The clown has always preferred the pearl bubble. I got rid of mine because 1 they were growing to much, and second the carpet I'm not certain but wonder if it ate the fish that disappeared. But mainly because it was just getting way to big. When last I saw the carpet in my tank it extended to something like 12" or more. The flower rock anemone also were getting really big they were like 8". This is something you also need to consider. Another thing is that sometimes they get into the overflows, and cause problem that way. And another way is they get sucked into powerheads pumps and get shredded, and can possibly destroy your tank.
I have a few sps(capanellas, pachy doing well & digi that grows well but no color) in my tank which is mostly softies mushrooms, leathers, lps, zoas & clams all are growing, and doing well. Digi is the only sps I've tried out side of the caps. Caps & pachy hold their color, but the digi didn't so I know my tank is not clean enough for the sticks.:teeth: Just my experience.

The plumbing part I leave that to the guys.

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