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I'm coming to town on business and will have nothing to do for a few days - Are there any clubs in the area?

I heard of one guy who runs an insurance shop who has a big reef in the shop basement. Anyone who can put me in touch - I'd be very interested.


[email protected]


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That is actually in Red Wing, MN

1+ hour south of the cities

I am not sure if he is still there but I am guessing so.

Anyway, his name is Dirk Griffin.

He has a couple big tanks in his office and in the basement he has a gutted out freezer (like the ones in grocery stores) with some live rock and some corals.


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TCMAS is the local club. Our next meeting is on Thursday April 10th. If you're in town, I'm sure you'd be welcome. Go to www.TCMAS.org for more info, or you can email me if you'd like.

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