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i have some bubbles sticking to corals. its seem like they could be problamatic. any ideas what they could be???


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yes they are bubbles, but they are sticking to the corals instead of floating around. in addition they are irritating some of the corals and a brown mucus is forming...


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tlc, the coral could either be expelling zooxanthallae (e.g. bleaching) or it could be dinoflaggelates or protozoans. I'd make sure plenty of current is provided to the coral, and it's not a bad idea to siphon or blow off (gently with a turkey baster or your hand) the bubbles.


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IMO, bubble is relatively harmless to corals. However, you should check to see why such quantity of bubbles are forming. It can be as simple as water too low in the sump, or a leak somewhere in the plumbing.

So how long has this been going on?


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bubbles have been forming for about a week. started when temps got high from heat wave in my area. system is definately not spewing bubbles into tank. these bubble seem thicker than a regular air bubble and more clingy. thanks for the help so far....


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Is there any way you could provide us with a digital picture of the problem? That would help us out tremendously.


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