Well, it seems that, after just a few posts in "another" thread, it's become pretty obvious that there are more than a few "damsel-haters".
This thread is just for you, fellow damsel-hater. Got any good evil damsel stories? If you've kept these little booger-fishes, I'm sure you do.
Do you have or need ideas on how to get rid of these pests posing as jewels of the sea?
Have you had to throw in a lure and fish 'em out?
Or have you, as SO many of us already have, had to literally tear your tank completely apart to then chase the rascal (gotta keep it G-rated..well, PG) around and around with the net?
Or did you just throw in the towel and let them take over the little piece of the sea you had so lovingly created and unwittingly handed over so these befinn'd creatures could lay waste to any other fish you thought you wanted to keep?
Why, one might wonder, would someone call something so lovely devilspawn? If you've ever had a Cyanis pull your armhairs out by the roots you might have your answer. Ever had a domino harrass your HumaHuma to tears? This, my friends, is your thread.
This thread is just for you, fellow damsel-hater. Got any good evil damsel stories? If you've kept these little booger-fishes, I'm sure you do.
Do you have or need ideas on how to get rid of these pests posing as jewels of the sea?
Have you had to throw in a lure and fish 'em out?
Or have you, as SO many of us already have, had to literally tear your tank completely apart to then chase the rascal (gotta keep it G-rated..well, PG) around and around with the net?
Or did you just throw in the towel and let them take over the little piece of the sea you had so lovingly created and unwittingly handed over so these befinn'd creatures could lay waste to any other fish you thought you wanted to keep?
Why, one might wonder, would someone call something so lovely devilspawn? If you've ever had a Cyanis pull your armhairs out by the roots you might have your answer. Ever had a domino harrass your HumaHuma to tears? This, my friends, is your thread.