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hey guys, i currently have a 10 gal tank, running on a prizm skimmer. i have two mini powerheads for circulation and an mini ehiem submersible filter.

although what i'm about to ask has been asked countless times, please bear with me.

I'm currently cycling the tank water and curing the new live rocks. only been a day.

Can i switch on the skimmer right now, at the initial stage of the cycle? would that reduce the population of beneficial bacteria and cause an over reliance on the skimmer?I'm only running the powerheads and filter now.
please advise.



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You should run the skimmer. It won't hurt a thing. It will help clean yer water up! :wink:



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if it is "new" liverock, might now be cured yet. definitely run the skimmer, will help cure the rock faster. Since this is a new tank, do not get discouraged if you don't get alot of "sludge" from the skimmer right off the bat, have to wait couple of days or even a week


Experienced Reefer
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The skimmer won't hurt the benficial bacteria you are trying to cultivate. They attach to virtually any surace in your tank or filter. The skimmer will help remove dissolved organic matter in the water which is very good at this stage of your tanks development.


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but if i remove the skimmer, there will be much less organic waste. Hence less beneficial bacteria...
am i right to say that?

Fish Guy

Advanced Reefer
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nah u want to clean water as fast as possible when curing lr to keep as much stuff living on it as possible. Plus the lr itself is already loaded with nitrifying bacteria. It is true that a skimmer will decrease organic waste but that will only help the tank by making water cleaner. Skimmers remove protein molecules before they are broken down into ammonia, nitrites and then nitrates. Bacteria in lr mostly breaks protein waste into nitrates which then stay in tank till waterchange. I believe it takes aneraobic conditions in a Deep Sand Bed to convert nitrate to nitrogen bubbles or water changes. The skimmer will keep nitrate levels lower than lr alone by removing protein before it breaks down. Bottom line is use that skimmer now, you will not regret it.

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