hey guys, i currently have a 10 gal tank, running on a prizm skimmer. i have two mini powerheads for circulation and an mini ehiem submersible filter.
although what i'm about to ask has been asked countless times, please bear with me.
I'm currently cycling the tank water and curing the new live rocks. only been a day.
Can i switch on the skimmer right now, at the initial stage of the cycle? would that reduce the population of beneficial bacteria and cause an over reliance on the skimmer?I'm only running the powerheads and filter now.
please advise.
although what i'm about to ask has been asked countless times, please bear with me.
I'm currently cycling the tank water and curing the new live rocks. only been a day.
Can i switch on the skimmer right now, at the initial stage of the cycle? would that reduce the population of beneficial bacteria and cause an over reliance on the skimmer?I'm only running the powerheads and filter now.
please advise.