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I'm transfering my 30 gallon to a 90 . what I've done so far is : Set up the 90 in another room
filled with water and heated
added DSB (southdown 4")
Waited for it to settle and turned on the pumps and skimmer
I also put a small piece of LR in there .
What should i do next? I'm thinking I should add a bit of live sand from my other tanks. Add about 70lbs of new live rock and let the tank cycle. Once the cycle is over I'll start adding the rock ( about 45 lbs.), sand and corals slowly to the new tank from the 30 . Is this a good plan? Anything i sould do diffrent ? Anyone that has done this before have any tips?
:?: Mark


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:mrgreen: Allright !!......Thanx everyone for your feedback ....just needed a little re-assurance ... Can't wait to get this tank up....

Any suggestions on where to get the LR I want to get nice large show pieces ...Should I go with cured or uncured rock to get the most life and encrustation (<--is that even a word ? :lol: ) ..Thanx again


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Contender ...I put an old filter pad from my other tank in the sump ...that might do it ..if not the die off from the rock could induce a cycle ..if not throwing in a little piece of food has always worked pretty well for me.

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