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Fish Guy

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Anybody keep a blue throat trigger with small fish and mobile inverts? Thinking of adding one to my fowlr plus mobile inverts(serpent stars, h crabs, shrimps, urchins, etc). I read they are planktivore but was curious if over time they will eat above listed critters.


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Fish Guy":3s3oizea said:
Anybody keep a blue throat trigger with small fish and mobile inverts? Thinking of adding one to my fowlr plus mobile inverts(serpent stars, h crabs, shrimps, urchins, etc). I read they are planktivore but was curious if over time they will eat above listed critters.

I heard that if there is a Trigger that is Reef Safe it is the Blue Throat. It is a crapshoot.I think. Everything could go fine for a long time then AhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


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From what info I have found on them, I have seen it said he is both "reef safe" and not. I'm thinking of doing the Pinktail in a reef but I will not be having moble inverts in the tank (other than snails/crabs). As was stated, it is a crap shoot.


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I don't have a blue throat but I do have a 3 inch niger trigger in my reef currently. They are plankton feeders like he blue jaw I am told. Had him 3 months so far and my only complaint is he's too shy. He staked out a nice cave and other than chasing my serpent star off he's never hurt any of the other inhabitants - heck he even runs from my midas blenny if he moves too fast. I do keep him pretty well fed which keeps him out of mischief but after doing the research it was bluethroat , niger or pinktail and I just liked the niger the best. Yes as previous poster said it's a crapshoot still but these 3 species have some track record with success.

King Jason

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I have a Blue Throat/Blue Jaw/Blue Chin (whatever name you want to give it) Trigger in my tank. He is VERY docile and doesn't bother anyone (even the small Cromis). He minds his own business and is almost always out in the front of the tank showing off his wonderful colors. A very good Reef Fish IMO. Mine is about 5-6"

King Jason

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I'm also in the process of looking for a Female Blue Jaw. Since it is easy to Sex the blue Jaw pairing them is a lot easier then in many other species. FFExpress.com has Blue Jaw pairs every now and then on their “Collectors Corner” section.


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I also have one and he doesn't bother anything. Doesn't even look funny at things. Also know a guy at the lfs who has one (I've seen it- that's what turned me on to them) and he's never had a problem either. Great looking fish, nice personality.


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technoshaman":1te2rr6l said:
I don't have a blue throat but I do have a 3 inch niger trigger in my reef currently. They are plankton feeders like he blue jaw I am told. Had him 3 months so far and my only complaint is he's too shy. He staked out a nice cave and other than chasing my serpent star off he's never hurt any of the other inhabitants - heck he even runs from my midas blenny if he moves too fast. I do keep him pretty well fed which keeps him out of mischief but after doing the research it was bluethroat , niger or pinktail and I just liked the niger the best. Yes as previous poster said it's a crapshoot still but these 3 species have some track record with success.

I like the Niger too....but it is to darn shy! i want a Trigger that will holler Feed Me!...........or I will eat through the glass!


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Well, I keep a niger with urchins. I had a brittle star in there too but he kept looking at it the way my cat looks at squirrles, so I took it out.

Will C1

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mulberry":c0zfk3sa said:
Well, I keep a niger with urchins. I had a brittle star in there too but he kept looking at it the way my cat looks at squirrles, so I took it out.

lol i know that look all to well as my cat sits in front of my reef eveyday meyowing.

bang try a clown trigger i used to have one that tapped the glass with a shell when he was hungry.


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Will C":2zgliyvx said:
mulberry":2zgliyvx said:
Well, I keep a niger with urchins. I had a brittle star in there too but he kept looking at it the way my cat looks at squirrles, so I took it out.

lol i know that look all to well as my cat sits in front of my reef eveyday meyowing.

bang try a clown trigger i used to have one that tapped the glass with a shell when he was hungry.

LOL.surprised.he did not break it. :lol:

Fish Guy

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Thx for the replies. King Jason do you keep shrimp, snails, and hermit crabs with your blue jaw? Does he eat em. What im trying to do is find some neat fish that wont eat mobile inverts or cause ww3 with my current fish. I have 7 damsels, pair of tomato clowns, blueface angel, regal tang, yellow tang, flame angel, goby. They all live in a 240g tank and I have been thinking about another tang, blue throat trigger, biggest beefiest butterfly i can find, more damsels :D favorite fish type hehe, or 1m 2f fairy wrasses. Any thoughts or suggestions. Sounds right about crap shoot with trigger. I bought blueface saying yeah he wont eat corals. 9 months later mmm all corals are on the menu. I have had same fish together for almost 3 years.


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There are a few "reef safe" triggers. The Blue Jaw, Sargassum, Cross Hatch? and Niger, are what I can remember. They seem to pose problems with ornamental crustaceans on occasion. From what I have heard they should be put in after you have all the cleaners and what not in the tank. Its a bad idea to put a coral banded shrimp in with an established Blue Jaw for instance. The Blue Jaw is the smallest I believe but still gets large. So a big tank is a must. My personal favorates are the Blue Jaw and the Sargassum. Although I had a Niger that was about 8in. 10 with tail. It was a fun fish.


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i had a ****** that i was told was safe. put him in and all went well
for about 6 months then he just started eating stuff (fire shrimp royal gramma and my neon jaw fish) until i pulled it out. in case any one is wondeding i watched him kill those animals it started one day
and with in three days he killed alot in my opinion
good luck with what ever you choose

King Jason

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I have hermits and snails with the trigger, along with a few corals. The trigger has never even given any of them a second look. However I do not have any shrimp. From what I've read I don't think the Blue Jaw will bother your shrimp. There are a few other people on the board with Blue Jaw's and some of them may have shrimp. Maybe one of them will chime in an enlighten us :D


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I put mine in with an established tank that had one skunk cleaner, mixed hermits and snails , a tiget tail cuke and a serpent star. About a month after he was in I added another cleaner shrimp that seemed to be doing fine but found him dead sans eyeballs in the rockwork - not blaming my niger but I won't be adding any more shrimp till everyone gets moved to a bigger tank. Beautiful fish, very timid but so far so good with inverts.


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I've got my bluejaw in a 180g w/corals, hermits, snails of all shapes and sizes, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, and several other fish; no problem at all so far. I keep him well fed, including guppies (intended for the anthias).

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