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I just recently purchased a turbofloater multi for my 29 gal tank (overkill i know but will eventually get a bigger tank) I have decided that i want to use the skimmer in a simple 10 gal sump. the only purpose for the sump would be for the skimmer. what materials would i need to do this?
or does someone have a diagram for a simple sump? i am not drilling my tanks and im just not sure how to pump the water to the sump and back to the main tank once its skimmed


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simple way is with two powerheads. One in the main tank to pump water to the sump. The other in the sump to pump it back in the main tank.


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Of course if you do that, and the powerhead in the sump quits for some reason, you will overflow the sump and, if your not home, turn your living room (or whatever room you have the tank in) into a water garden


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Buy a U tube type overflow, several are for sale right now here and on RC. water flows from it to your sump (rubbermaid container) where you have your skimmer and return pump Mag 5, water leaves the sump via the mag (with a ball valve attached to the output side) through a combination of flexible tubing and PVC where it is looped over the side of the tank and enters the tank just below the water level.
Make sure your sump is large enough to handle the water will flow back into it in the case of a power faliure.



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what size power heads to use? because it will be easier to flow from the tank than to the tank and how do i regulate the flow rate


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You DO NOT want to pump the water down to your sump with a powerhead. There is no way possible to match the GPH into your sump vs. the GPH out of your sump using two powerheads. Any slight difference in GPH and you'll either slowly empty your sump or you will overflow your sump. No if's, and's, or but's about it.

If you won't be drilling your tank, you will need to get a siphon / U-tube overflow box that uses a siphon to draw water down to your tank via gravity and a return pump to pump the water back into your tank.



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The easiest sump is a Rubbermaid container or a 10 gallon aquarium. You can buy acrylic sheet for real cheap and glue in a baffle or two.

To keep from flooding your sump in a power loss or siphon disruption, all you have to do is drill a hole in the return line just above the water level in the main tank. If siphon or power is loss that hole will break the back siphon on the return line.


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You DO NOT want to pump the water down to your sump with a powerhead. There is no way possible to match the GPH into your sump vs. the GPH out of your sump using two powerheads

The same goes if you are using a internal overflow box, external and drilled bulkhead. As water evaps, the GPH going to the sump changes, thus the need for a valve on the return side to adjust for this.


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Of course if you do that, and the powerhead in the sump quits for some reason, you will overflow the sump and, if your not home, turn your living room

regardless of how you get water to your sump, there will always be a chance of flooding (if your sump can not handle the water volume).


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A powerhead pumping water to the sump? That is not a very smart idea. The only way to go is to get a overflow box. As said, there is no way to match how much water enters and how much leaves the sump with powerheads unless you use a overflow box which will equalize the flow of each and you will not have a flood.


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As said, there is no way to match how much water enters and how much leaves the sump with powerheads

with a return vavle you can make this adjustment. Iceman, are you currently running a overflow box? If so...your telling me that you have never needed to make an adjustment to the return flow?


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Yes, thats what i am saying. I have a 700gph lifereef overflow box. I am using 2 mag 5's as returns. All i had to do was hook up the box, plug in the mags, and in 20 seconds or less it was equalized. That simple. I do not have to make any adjustments at all.
With your method, even if u use a return valve, there is still no way to make it perfectly equal. Over the course of time either the sump will overflow or the tank will overflow.


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The overflow can handle more water than the pump can put out. So the overflow processes the exact amount that the pump is putting out. I've seen someone who used a pump to push water down to the sump. When the water level in the tank dropped, the pump would suck a little air, the return pump would catch up, etc. It may have worked for a month or so, but it will definitely burn out your pump and not work in the long run. Buy an overflow box.


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Thanks for having common sense wombat(in other words thanks for helping explain this and understanding it :D ). What is so hard to understand. Buy a overflow box. It will equalize everything in the blink of an eye and will prevent floods. As wombat said, the pump will run dry and will die on you very fast while the sump would overflow and spill.

Will C1

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here's some pic's of mine i hope it will answer youre questions.


  • overflow1.jpg
    8.1 KB · Views: 1,517
  • overflow2.jpg
    14.5 KB · Views: 1,516
  • overflow3.jpg
    12.9 KB · Views: 1,517


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you people rock! thanks for all the advice! i am so anxious to get rid of this prizm skimmer and get this turbofloater going
I was planning on just hanging it on the tank, however i am about 2 inches to close to the wall, and i really dont feel like breaking down the tank and facing the possibility of screwing it up!!

King Jason

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If you go the overflow route, make sure you get a non-clear U-Tube. Mine would get clogged with algae at least once a month and I would have to clean it out (HUGE pain in the ass).

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