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Fish Guy":2ew8iow3 said:
I meant that last sentence from a pet keeping perspective. Most sw fish that people buy do not live to ripe old age. Most die from a variety of unnatural causes. Shipping/catching casualties, owner neglect/ignorance, etc. If people kept dogs and they mostly died from the types of things that kill sw fish then keeping dogs would be banned.

Hey!...before I responded with this post I had to check and be sure I was not on Reef Central. You are a freakin idiot! and you should be banned from this forum.not only that.yes you should be banned from keepin fish or any other animal. You and people like you should be required to carry special ID chained to your neck. I hope I was not to harsh! I would not want to hurt your feelins! Christ Almighty! How did you get out of the Nuthouse! Take your Anti- Psychotics please. I take mine. LOL


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Wow, what a long thread. I read the whole thing front to back, but I am not quite sure there has been a definite reason for Jacks' shark dying. If I am not mistaken, it seems it may have been the substrate that caused an injury and the subsequent death?
About 8 years ago I had a bamboo shark that died the same horrible way. I did an autopsy and found a lot of fat deposits, but I am not sure if that had something to do with it. I still don't know exactly what killed him. Back then I didn't have the great resource of the internet and it's Saltwater Forums...The LFS was one of the most up to date resource available. The guys there told me how easy it was to take care of sharks. Now I know better. Unfortunately, I believe some of the LFS will still tell their customers what they want to hear.
I am sure people who do their research about sharks and happen to stumble across this thread may think twice about getting one. But, I also think as long as sharks (tangs, angles, anthias etc.) are sold there will be someone buys one without doing the due diligence. After they bring their purchase home they may encounter a problem, and I think they shouldn't be afraid to ask for help.
So, let's find the reason(s) for this death. Otherwise, people may think if they get a large enough tank with fine sand their sharks will be fine...


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Dr. Reef":2hvxb88r said:
I think it is pompous, arrogant, and self-righteous to think that we have a greater right to exist than any other living thing. That's all I'm saying.

If you think a human is more valuable than a guppy, I'm not going to disagree with you. But to argue that the guppy doesn't have the same right to exist is a little vain. I think we both arrived thru evolution and/or God, and as such, the loss of either form of life is a destruction of a remarkable creation.

If you buy wild caught livestock, it is likely that for every fish that makes it to your tank, several fish died in the capture/transport/wholesaler/LFS.

Since you buy aquacultured, then you probably know that it is common practice to cull the mutant fish.

It is also likely that you will have, at some point, a fish die in your tank due to illness/accident/power outage/jumping out of your tank/etc, whether or not you are providing them with as good a habit as possible.

Therefore, for every fish you have, several were probably killed.

It is necessary for us to believe that humans have more of a right to exist than fish do in order for us to take part in this hobby. When we make fish a consumer good, it automatically takes away their equal right to exist. It seems a bit naive to think otherwise.


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the point is to minimize those losses as much as possible, as a responsible hobbyist :wink:


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Contender":eqbo2fog said:
When we make fish a consumer good, it automatically takes away their equal right to exist. It seems a bit naive to think otherwise.

Sorry to say, but in America, people were considered consumer goods as well. Slavery was rampant and beleived neccessary for our economy back then.

Unfortunately, in much of the world, this tragedy continues.

Heck, in some sense, everytime I watch television ads, I'm being bought and sold.


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Dr. Reef":2hdo870s said:
Sorry to say, but in America, people were considered consumer goods as well. Slavery was rampant and beleived neccessary for our economy back then.

Contender":2hdo870s said:
It is necessary for us to believe that humans have more of a right to exist than fish do in order for us to take part in this hobby.

I don't think my post is in disagreement. I think that all those who took part in the slave trade believed that they had more of a right to exist then slaves did.

Perhaps it would have made it more clear if I would have said "making fish a consumer good automatically strips them of their equal right to exist."


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Contender":3feh0yrz said:
Dr. Reef":3feh0yrz said:
Sorry to say, but in America, people were considered consumer goods as well. Slavery was rampant and beleived neccessary for our economy back then.

Contender":3feh0yrz said:
It is necessary for us to believe that humans have more of a right to exist than fish do in order for us to take part in this hobby.

I don't think my post is in disagreement. I think that all those who took part in the slave trade believed that they had more of a right to exist then slaves did.

Perhaps it would have made it more clear if I would have said "making fish a consumer good automatically strips them of their equal right to exist."

Absolutely amazing how we started with a guy with a sick fish and now are talkin about the Slave Trade. Kind of reminds me of loose association that is a symptom of a thought disorder like Schizophrenia. You guys are correct about the slaves...they are necessary for a thriving economy. This does not in any way make the slaves any more or less important than the recipients of there hard work. I am not saying that I condone slavery it is a reality that we must come to terms with if we want to live in a thriving economy. Hey!... we are using Porpoises to fight our battles at sea. Does that make them a slave?


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Fish Guy":thvtydo8 said:
Podman have you never killed anything in your tanks. Not even once....
I dont think you can make that statement in all honesty.

i can make that statement as honestly as i could answer just about anything.
Yes, aquatic animals have had untimely deaths in my aquarium, and i have also had a cat hit by a car, which was untimely as well.
this isn't an indication of the animals worth, and i am befuddled how you could come to that conclusion.

The opinion that it is just a fish, so what if it dies is imported from the fw side of the hobby where almost all fish are farm raised and no one cares if they die. Even the sims pc game has a restock button on the fish tank :roll: I made the comparison of captive bred organisms on the basis that if it is grown for human consumption (cattle, salmon, shrimp, mussel, etc) or enjoyment (oysters for their pearls, minks, alligators, freshwater fish) then it is ok to keep captive bred sw fish

it isn't my place to judge anyone on thier personal diet, whether it be vegatarian or a modified version thereof, but i will claim the right to judge those that kill recklessly, they are destroying my surroundings.

to take an attitude that positions you as the buyer with freedom to destroy life as you please is very frightening to all those that put value on life. that is all life, not just that which are more important to one's opinion.

Fact I keep sw fish. Fact I have had stuff die in my tanks that I could not prevent ( I killed it), Fact I am man enough to admit it and consider that maybe this hobby should be banned in its present form.

because you couldn't prevent death does not mean you caused it, and that to which should be banned is the practices where an aquarist is allowed to behave in the manner now being discussed.
to feel the right to destroy life after shocking the bejesus out of it and replace it as needed for no other purpose than to beautify your living room is despicable, that is in my opinion of course.

now, are you trying to attempt a debate supporting the need for banning the hobby from an ethical platform?

Fish Guy

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Funny I got Bang Bang basically calling me a animal lover based on his quotes bout the peanuts, etc. and podman debating against me for being too harsh to animals. I guess my point got lost somewhere along the line :) My take is this it is legal to do whatever you want with stuff you buy. It is up to the individual to decide what is best for his wallet, animals, and ethics. I personally dont like to watch stuff die but at the same time things that do not work for others might work for you. Sort of like when you get a known picky eating fish that will eat pork rinds in your tank. I lucked out with my Blueface angel that way. It is the only large angel I have ever owned and when I bought it I knew they were considered hard to keep. My friend on the other hand has a similar tank, with similar conditions to mine and has lost/killed numerous large angels. He has finally given up on them due to their cost. I take the middle of the road on the fish stocking level question. I think you should keep what you want how you want. If it dies and conditions were not completely optimal then you need to realize you killed it. The beauty of these boards is you can play the odds better by listening to what other people have tried to get away with. For instance after reading through this post I will think twice about keeping a bamboo shark in my 240g tank.

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