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One of the good yard stick to measure how well we keep fish is the ability of for us to iduce them to spawn. If we get the fish to spawn, IMO, means that we are taking good care of them. We don't have to raise the baby, just to spawn them. From what I know, quite a few popular Marinf fish have spawn in captivity.

Thank you Minh, and the bamboo shark is one of them. In a 190, the size tank you claim is way too small. Source: Scott Michael's book that you all think is so great.

So at least you are on the same page as Jason and I now, now who's next.

By the way, this is one of the few species you can rear after they spawn. They don't just become filter feeder food. Just another reason why the bamboo shark is a great species to keep in the aquarium.


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King Jason":1inltmm6 said:
Just train your tangs to swin in circles...They can then swim as many yards as they want to. :wink:

My Foxface has learned to do this.............. s/he takes a few laps several times a day in his 29 gallon tank. He was my first and favorite fish. I think I will always have at least one of these..and a Great White. Workin on the Bamboo thing now. LOL


Minh Nguyen

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sjfishguy":lt9sne4c said:
Thank you Minh, and the bamboo shark is one of them. In a 190, the size tank you claim is way too small. Source: Scott Michael's book that you all think is so great.

So at least you are on the same page as Jason and I now, now who's next.

By the way, this is one of the few species you can rear after they spawn. They don't just become filter feeder food. Just another reason why the bamboo shark is a great species to keep in the aquarium.
I only said that I would not keep this shark in a 190 g tank. I did said that some aquarists thinks it is OK while other don't. I just happen to think that we should not keep such shark in a 190 g tank. I did not think that I said anything more than that, other than trying to help Jason. You can go though my post with a fine tooth comb if you want to to see what I said.

Minh Nguyen


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HUH? What did you say? Ummmmmmmmmmmm? Me confused too! I would not keep a tang in a 50 gallon tank but I do keep a Tang in a 50 gallon tank..and some people think it is ok to keep a Tang in a 50 gallon tank. Did I say that? No not me? Must have been someone else.......! 8O


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One of the good yard stick to measure how well we keep fish is the ability of for us to iduce them to spawn. .
Minh Nguyen[/quote]

Hi Minh...........I was hopin that ya could tell me where I can get one of them Yardsticks to measure how well we keep fish? How much did you pay for yours? I have never heard or seen any around........ :eek: even on the net! :eek: 8O


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Will C":25324872 said:
bang i'll sell ya a yard stick for say $100 it measures really good. :lol:

Great! LOL I would like to see your tank. Maybe we could meet at a LFS nearby one day. :lol:

Will C1

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Bangbang":22mnv919 said:
Will C":22mnv919 said:
bang i'll sell ya a yard stick for say $100 it measures really good. :lol:

Great! LOL I would like to see your tank. Maybe we could meet at a LFS nearby one day. :lol:

why not your only 10miles away. and we both like the 5mile and middle belt store....anything out your way? there used to be one by mr.bill's but im pretty shure they went out of business years ago. im allways looking for new stores.

Minh Nguyen

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sslarison":15tsldbs said:
You know, it is in one of the gray area, not clealy wrong or clearly right. I would not do it, but it is just me. I wish everybody here agree on what's wrong and what's right.
Is it any clearer than mud?
It is not like trying to raise a Nurse shark at home in a 120 g tank.
Minh Nguyen


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Will C":3sf4d96n said:
Bangbang":3sf4d96n said:
Will C":3sf4d96n said:
bang i'll sell ya a yard stick for say $100 it measures really good. :lol:

Great! LOL I would like to see your tank. Maybe we could meet at a LFS nearby one day. :lol:

why not your only 10miles away. and we both like the 5mile and middle belt store....anything out your way? there used to be one by mr.bill's but im pretty shure they went out of business years ago. im allways looking for new stores.

Yes.... they went out of business over a decade ago. That is where I purchase my first s/w fish. Did you say you live in Waterford? or Detroit?


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you had a little typo back there, thus the "HUH" response. i think you meant to add a "not" in there.

Fish Guy

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I did sound a bit harsh but maybe this hobby should be shut down. I myself have killed stuff and anyone who has never lost anything is either a liar or lucky as hell. Think of it this way if you bought a dog and it stood the chance of a sw fish living to old age then keeping dogs would be banned so quick it wouldnt be funny.

If you like to preserve marine life write your congressmen and get them to ban the importing of marine life! Keep it legal to sell frags, captive raised fish, and live rock thats nothing but Texas Limestone dumped in the ocean and fished out a couple of years later. All of this is ok to kill since u can make more. Think of it like minks raised for fur coats, cattle raised for human consumption, or alligators raised for boots.

Truth is to keep sw life is to kill some of it. I see it everytime I go to the LFS or check these boards. As it stands keeping saltwater life is legal so if you want to buy something do it. Once paid for it is yours and you can eat it, kill it, keep it, whatever.


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yeah, while you're at the petshop, pick up a few puppy's. they may great shooting targets.

Fish Guy

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Podman have you never killed anything in your tanks. Not even once....
I dont think you can make that statement in all honesty. The opinion that it is just a fish, so what if it dies is imported from the fw side of the hobby where almost all fish are farm raised and no one cares if they die. Even the sims pc game has a restock button on the fish tank :roll: I made the comparison of captive bred organisms on the basis that if it is grown for human consumption (cattle, salmon, shrimp, mussel, etc) or enjoyment (oysters for their pearls, minks, alligators, freshwater fish) then it is ok to keep captive bred sw fish
Fact I keep sw fish. Fact I have had stuff die in my tanks that I could not prevent ( I killed it), Fact I am man enough to admit it and consider that maybe this hobby should be banned in its present form.


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I did sound a bit harsh but maybe this hobby should be shut down. I myself have killed stuff and anyone who has never lost anything is either a liar or lucky as hell. Think of it this way if you bought a dog and it stood the chance of a sw fish living to old age then keeping dogs would be banned so quick it wouldnt be funny.

I think when it becomes acceptable to eat dogs in this country, you might have a point. But as long as you can buy dead fish at any grocery store, that were killed on purpose, because they are ugly, I don't think the analogy stands.

*not that I'm saying it's okay to kill fish willy-nilly, but put it into perspective. I had a customer from Hawaii come into my store the other day, going on and on about how good Naso's are to eat. Wanted to know if I'd be willing to sell the one in my show tank because they were a little homesick.

Fish Guy

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I meant that last sentence from a pet keeping perspective. Most sw fish that people buy do not live to ripe old age. Most die from a variety of unnatural causes. Shipping/catching casualties, owner neglect/ignorance, etc. If people kept dogs and they mostly died from the types of things that kill sw fish then keeping dogs would be banned.


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sjfishguy":3jzcl6c5 said:
Dr. Reef: So now you are saying that fish are worth the same as human life? That slaves of the civil war time are worth the same as fish today? So if you could save a minnow or a baby, you would be indifferent on which one to pick? I think (now this may be a long shot) you would agree that human life is more important than a fish when I put it in that context. Let's be serious, its a stupid little fish.

I think it is pompous, arrogant, and self-righteous to think that we have a greater right to exist than any other living thing. That's all I'm saying.

If you think a human is more valuable than a guppy, I'm not going to disagree with you. But to argue that the guppy doesn't have the same right to exist is a little vain. I think we both arrived thru evolution and/or God, and as such, the loss of either form of life is a destruction of a remarkable creation.

I also think being labeled a hypocrit is innappropriate in my case. I do not have any animals that weren't captive bred, and I do not care for them with the similar disdain and carelessness that you suggest in your statement of "it's just a fish, I bought it and I can let it die if I want".

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