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1.What is a SUMP?

2.WHat are the advantages of having one?

3.Should I be using it with my SeaClone
Protein Skimmer(100)? It is in a 55gal tank.

4.If I need it how would I go about building a SUMP?


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A sump is basically used for :

added water volume
for placing your skimmer, heater, ect
for use as a refugium
isolating kewl little hitch-hikers you dont want in your main tank.


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no need for sumps. they are more personal preference than anything. easy to hide equipment in them, i.e., heaters, pumps, skimmers, etc.

i keep a 120 oceanic with tons o live rock, berlin hang on skimmer and an emporer 400 with bio wheels and carbon pads. bio wheels are not really needed as most bio occurs on live rock anyway. nice to be able to run carbon pads, though.

lastly, i prefer to do my work standing up not kneeling or on my hands and knees. to each his own, right?

good luck.


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If you do go the way of a sump, please make sure the sump can hold all of the drain water. Nothing worse than losing electrical power, then finding out your sump is about 10 gallons not enough. Thus 10 gallons on the floor.


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I think the sump is best for keeping the water level high in the main tank during a water change. Whenever the water level drops low in the main, whatever algae and corraline that is on the rocks or equip. starts to die. It wouldn't be good if your rock or coral was stacked higher than the water change level.


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I just use Rubbermaid tubs, I like being able to use a really kick ass skimmer{in my opinion the MOST important piece of equipment you can own} a much better on than you can get that would hang on the tank...also you can hide your heater{s}, and the extra water volume makes the system more stable, I have done both sumpless, and with sumps,.....I will never do a sumpless tank again......just my $.02 worth


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I'm with seahawk. I managed to get everything out of my 110 tall. The sump is stuffed, probes, skim, pumps, heater, drip lines, etc. I like the clean look in the main tank, quiet too.

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